I celebrated a South American Christmas and was it a new experience. I mostly spent the majority of my time traveling as I had two weeks off from work. It was nice, but I didn't get as much sleep as I would have liked. Anyways, on to the meat of this blog post.
Christmas in Ecuador is a lot like our Halloween. But instead of children coming to your door trik-or-treating, entire poor families come looking for Christmas charity. They go door to door ringing your doorbell and when you answer they simply state, 'Dame Navidad' which translates to 'Give me Christmas'. Sometimes they will add, 'por favor' (please) to their asking. Normally it is traditional to have prepared fundas de comida/caramellos, bags of food/candy, for the families and children. In church, at the Christmas eve service, we collected clothing and food, and gave them to the poor that regularly attend the service every year looking for help and food. The poorer people from outside the city wil come down from the hills and mountains and spend a few days in the city looking for charitable donations. They will also come to line the highways that lead out of the cities looking for charities. Some families would drive out of the city Christmas day and leave things on the highway for the poorer people to collect. AS I was traveling out of the city Christmas day, I saw hundreds, if not thousands of people lining the highways, and generous passerbys stopping to unload their cars for these people. If/when a car stopped, they would be immediately rushed by the people looking to receive something from the generous givers. Others did not stop and simply through food or items from their car to the people lining the highways. It was quite a site to see.
At the Christmas eve service, we celebrated Eucharist and gave a first communion to a young girl. Although we do not do this in the Episcopal Church in the United States, here Catholic influence still plays a large part on the culture and the way many will begin receiving communion and taking communion on a regular basis. For example, some in the Episcopal Church will confess before taking communion, and others will not be satisfied with a morning prayer type service...all must have the Holy food with EVERY service. The parents will also have their children attend first communion classes before receiving their first communion. For most of the year now, we've had a class of first communion participants attending church every Sunday waiting for when they can receive. The service was beautiful and afterwards, we distributed the food and clothing we had been collecting to the poor who had attended hoping for some charitable help. 'Dame Navidad' was all they could say, and after receiving, could only mangage a faint 'Gracias' as you saw tears come to their eyes.
Christmas eve is the bigger day than actually Christmas day. Gifts are exchanged and opened on Christmas eve and the big dinner also takes place. I spent Christmas eve dinner with Padre Eduardo, my boss and director of the school, and his family for Christmas. The dinner was absoulutely incredible. Marjorie, Eduardo's wife, is quite the cook. I've been spoiled with every new family I have a meal with. They're such great cooks here and Ecuadorian food is so rico (rich)!!
I stayed the night Christmas eve at Padre Eduardo's and on Christmas day we traveled to his family's house in Ibarra, where he and his twelve siblings are from, and had a huge family reunion. It was insane. We ate so much food and played so many games from futbol (soccer), volleyball, board and card games. We also spent one day at the hot springs in Ibarra and just relaxed. It was nice.
Also during the break, I visited Colombia for a couple of days to visit with some family of theirs who are missionaries working in Pesto, Colombia. It was a nice smaller city. I was concerned about border patrol as recently relations between Colombia and Ecuador have not been great and Colombia is always going back and forth from closing it's borders to prevent immigrants hoping to escape the bad in Colombia and come to Ecuador. We didn't have any problems and we spent two days visiting the family of my host family. I also met up with the Bishop, his wife, and family to visit with him as Colombia is his home country. He took the week and a half of break visiting back home with his family so I briefly met his family in Colombia as well, before returning to Quito to celebrate the New Year. The traditions and customs of the new year will be saved for my next post. Until then, take care and here's wishing you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Blessed and Prosperous New Year! Blessings!
Salud! My name is Jonathan Pregill. Follow me along as I begin a journey with the Episcopal Young Adult Service Corps where for one year I will be doing missionary work in Quito, Ecuador! Let's go on this adventure together... Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying,"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I Lord, send me." Isaiah 6:8
Monday, December 27, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Dia de los Disfuntos and Quitofest
Well now, in my brief time here (now a little way into my fifth month here), I have celebrated more holidays than I thought possible. I thought we had a lot of holidays in the United States. It seems every time I turn around, classes are cancelled for another holiday. I now wish to share some of these unique holidays with you.
To begin with, let's start with the Ecuadorian days (that's right, days, plural) of Independence. Ecuador has three official days of Independence. All of which are celebrated and the days taken off. The reason for their being three days of Independence is because the country of Ecuador celebrates the major cities victories over the Spanish as well as the day the country decided to be free from Spanish rule and declare independence. It was on August 10 of 1820 in the city of Quito that a representative council of Ecuadorians called for Indepence and so have now established the first celebrated day of Independence in Ecuador. The second day of Independence is celebrated by the victory of the city Guayaquil, being the first to win independence, over the Spanish in October on the 9th in the year of 1820 and so October 9th is the second Independence Day of Ecuador. The last and final celebrated day of independence in Ecuador is on May 24 where in 1822 the rest of the country of Ecuador gained it's independence from the Spanish. The Ecuadorian Independence Days aren't heavily celebrated as the fourth of July back home, but most major businesses are closed for the holidays.
The next big day of celebrations that gave me a respite from work came in November. While I was hoping to celebrate Halloween on the 31st, here in Ecuador and many other Latin American cultures, Dia de los Disfuntos or Dia de los Muertos is celebrated on the first and second of November. It is on these days that families celebrate the love of loved ones lost and will share a meal at their graveside in honor and memorial to them. You dress up in your best clothes and leave food and flowers for them. A special bread is made for the occasion called pan de gua gua (pronounced wa wa) and a special drink that I can't seem to figure out what it's made from called colada morada. The entire celebration is very unique and lots of fun. The pan looks like little gingerbread men and stuffed with jam! Yum! It's also sad though becuase you're visiting lost loved ones. Sometimes, small children.
Quitofest, or the festival for the foundation of the city of Quito, is a week long celebration. Schools do not take the entire week, but do take from Friday through the weekend. During the week of Quitofest, students at elementary schools are taught the history of Quito, it's foundation, traditional dances during the time of the foundation, and other fun facts and put on a presentation for the families. The children work really hard on these presentations. During this festival, it is customary to crown the Quitena Bonita or the most beautiful Quito girl. During the school presentation, through an election of the teachers, we crowned the most outstanding girl from each grade. In the city however, there is a giant pageant in which girls compete for the honor of Quitena Bonita. The winner is presented on Saturday during the city's parade. Each night, the city was regailed with fireworks and their were three parades. Within seperate neighborhoods of the city, were block parties and concerts were held in every major park throughout the city. It was a fun time and to see the people of Quito so proud of their heritage was a week to remember.
This about wraps up this blog and these two unique holidays that I wished to express. Until next time...Bendiga con Dios
To begin with, let's start with the Ecuadorian days (that's right, days, plural) of Independence. Ecuador has three official days of Independence. All of which are celebrated and the days taken off. The reason for their being three days of Independence is because the country of Ecuador celebrates the major cities victories over the Spanish as well as the day the country decided to be free from Spanish rule and declare independence. It was on August 10 of 1820 in the city of Quito that a representative council of Ecuadorians called for Indepence and so have now established the first celebrated day of Independence in Ecuador. The second day of Independence is celebrated by the victory of the city Guayaquil, being the first to win independence, over the Spanish in October on the 9th in the year of 1820 and so October 9th is the second Independence Day of Ecuador. The last and final celebrated day of independence in Ecuador is on May 24 where in 1822 the rest of the country of Ecuador gained it's independence from the Spanish. The Ecuadorian Independence Days aren't heavily celebrated as the fourth of July back home, but most major businesses are closed for the holidays.
The next big day of celebrations that gave me a respite from work came in November. While I was hoping to celebrate Halloween on the 31st, here in Ecuador and many other Latin American cultures, Dia de los Disfuntos or Dia de los Muertos is celebrated on the first and second of November. It is on these days that families celebrate the love of loved ones lost and will share a meal at their graveside in honor and memorial to them. You dress up in your best clothes and leave food and flowers for them. A special bread is made for the occasion called pan de gua gua (pronounced wa wa) and a special drink that I can't seem to figure out what it's made from called colada morada. The entire celebration is very unique and lots of fun. The pan looks like little gingerbread men and stuffed with jam! Yum! It's also sad though becuase you're visiting lost loved ones. Sometimes, small children.
Quitofest, or the festival for the foundation of the city of Quito, is a week long celebration. Schools do not take the entire week, but do take from Friday through the weekend. During the week of Quitofest, students at elementary schools are taught the history of Quito, it's foundation, traditional dances during the time of the foundation, and other fun facts and put on a presentation for the families. The children work really hard on these presentations. During this festival, it is customary to crown the Quitena Bonita or the most beautiful Quito girl. During the school presentation, through an election of the teachers, we crowned the most outstanding girl from each grade. In the city however, there is a giant pageant in which girls compete for the honor of Quitena Bonita. The winner is presented on Saturday during the city's parade. Each night, the city was regailed with fireworks and their were three parades. Within seperate neighborhoods of the city, were block parties and concerts were held in every major park throughout the city. It was a fun time and to see the people of Quito so proud of their heritage was a week to remember.
This about wraps up this blog and these two unique holidays that I wished to express. Until next time...Bendiga con Dios
Amenities and Life in Quito
It has come to my attention that I haven't really discussed what it's like living here in Ecuador and what I have available to me in terms of living conditions. Currently I live with an Ecuadorian family in Northern Quito that is only three blocks from work. The house is really tiny and I share a room with my two host brothers. The room we are in is pretty tiny as well, perhaps the smallest in the entire house. If I were to put my hands outstretched over my head, my feet and my hands will touch the walls on opposite sides of each other in both directions of the room. Ecuadorian people are a shorter people by average and so roofs and doorways are smaller. I've hit my head numerous times on doorways in houses because they are made smaller, at least the houses I've been to, and so I have learned to instinctively duck at doorways. At public buildings, this isn't a problem. I'm not tall by any means or by definition in the United States, just shy of six feet, but in some doorways in Ecuador, they are a bit small for me.
I will not lie and say that I expected such modern ammenities when I signed up for missionary life. When mission work came to mind before I left, the typical stereotype came to mind. Living in terrible conditions, without the possibility of bathing often or having running water from a tap in the house. I have learned not to think so stereotypically since my arrival and have learned much about the modern city (by standards of developing world countries) of Quito and Ecuador. Don't get me wrong however; there have been places I have visited in Ecuador where the people live in grass huts and do not have the modern amenities that exist in the city.
When I wake in the morning, I have the ability to shower with hot water before work as I enjoy for I like starting the day with a shower. It helps me to wake and start the day. I don't have to go and draw water from a well and heat it to take a bath haha. You do have to switch a plug to turn on the hot water so as not to wast the electricity. This is something we could learn to do in the states I think.
Kitchens are equipped with stoves and ovens and are run on gas not electric. However, gas is not piped to houses directly. Instead, families buy their propane gas in tanks like we have for our bbq's in the states. Several trucks drive around the city honking their horns selling the propane gas tanks for the stoves. You give the empty tank to them upon the exchange and purchase. This is typical vending in Ecuador and is often how you do business. Many people don't have cars and can't just run to the market in their own vehicle but rely on public transportation and the traveling vendors. The vendors start the day very early and often times you will wake up to the screeching howl of a vendor selling their wares or the honking of the propane truck or even taxis and buses waiting outside to pick up their passengers. The concept of ringing a doorbell is foreign to Ecuadorians and so taxis and buses honk their horns to alert their passengers of their arrival. The horn is also greatly overused in driving in Quito and all of Ecuador for that matter.
Heaters within houses are non existant. This is because of the weather here. At ten thousand feet elevation, even the coldest days and nights will only see a low temperature around the low 50's. This really isn't all that bad. At night you just throw on a sweatshirt with your pajamas and call it good with the four or five blankets on your bed. Seven in my case with my weak Hawai'ian blood.
I am also able to keep in contact with family and friends through a wireless internet connecrtion within my house. Without this, I think I would go nuts. Staying in contact with family and friends is what helps keep me sane. It is also what allows me to keep this blog updated.
Through all this, I have learned to not be so stereotypical in thoughts, but have also realized that I have spent time with people here in Ecuador who live how I imagined mission life to be like. While visiting parishes throughout Ecuador, I have lived in grass huts for a weekend and other similar style housing without any regard as to how fortunate some people in Ecuador are over others. It also really made me thankful for what I have as well. But to some, this is a way of life and don't know any other. I spent time among an indigenous tribe in the Amazons who do not know electricity and hunt with bows and spears. The diversity of living in Ecuador is extensive and the culture and the amenities change between the cities, the countryside, and the rainforests. It is truly a unique experience living among the several different cultures and lifestyles of Ecuador.
That wraps up this blog. Until next time, as always, may the blessing of God be always with you.
I will not lie and say that I expected such modern ammenities when I signed up for missionary life. When mission work came to mind before I left, the typical stereotype came to mind. Living in terrible conditions, without the possibility of bathing often or having running water from a tap in the house. I have learned not to think so stereotypically since my arrival and have learned much about the modern city (by standards of developing world countries) of Quito and Ecuador. Don't get me wrong however; there have been places I have visited in Ecuador where the people live in grass huts and do not have the modern amenities that exist in the city.
When I wake in the morning, I have the ability to shower with hot water before work as I enjoy for I like starting the day with a shower. It helps me to wake and start the day. I don't have to go and draw water from a well and heat it to take a bath haha. You do have to switch a plug to turn on the hot water so as not to wast the electricity. This is something we could learn to do in the states I think.
Kitchens are equipped with stoves and ovens and are run on gas not electric. However, gas is not piped to houses directly. Instead, families buy their propane gas in tanks like we have for our bbq's in the states. Several trucks drive around the city honking their horns selling the propane gas tanks for the stoves. You give the empty tank to them upon the exchange and purchase. This is typical vending in Ecuador and is often how you do business. Many people don't have cars and can't just run to the market in their own vehicle but rely on public transportation and the traveling vendors. The vendors start the day very early and often times you will wake up to the screeching howl of a vendor selling their wares or the honking of the propane truck or even taxis and buses waiting outside to pick up their passengers. The concept of ringing a doorbell is foreign to Ecuadorians and so taxis and buses honk their horns to alert their passengers of their arrival. The horn is also greatly overused in driving in Quito and all of Ecuador for that matter.
Heaters within houses are non existant. This is because of the weather here. At ten thousand feet elevation, even the coldest days and nights will only see a low temperature around the low 50's. This really isn't all that bad. At night you just throw on a sweatshirt with your pajamas and call it good with the four or five blankets on your bed. Seven in my case with my weak Hawai'ian blood.
I am also able to keep in contact with family and friends through a wireless internet connecrtion within my house. Without this, I think I would go nuts. Staying in contact with family and friends is what helps keep me sane. It is also what allows me to keep this blog updated.
Through all this, I have learned to not be so stereotypical in thoughts, but have also realized that I have spent time with people here in Ecuador who live how I imagined mission life to be like. While visiting parishes throughout Ecuador, I have lived in grass huts for a weekend and other similar style housing without any regard as to how fortunate some people in Ecuador are over others. It also really made me thankful for what I have as well. But to some, this is a way of life and don't know any other. I spent time among an indigenous tribe in the Amazons who do not know electricity and hunt with bows and spears. The diversity of living in Ecuador is extensive and the culture and the amenities change between the cities, the countryside, and the rainforests. It is truly a unique experience living among the several different cultures and lifestyles of Ecuador.
That wraps up this blog. Until next time, as always, may the blessing of God be always with you.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Advent...The Season of Waiting
Advent, the Season of Waiting has arrived. It is in this time that we now wait patiently for the birth of Christ. During this season we hear the stories of being prepared and waiting for Jesus to come. We don't know when he will come, only to be prepared for his coming. I am reminded of the story of the ten bridesmaids (this story follows the one we just heard in Sunday's Gospel lesson)where there are five wise and five foolish. The story tells us that the bridesmaids are sent out to greet the groom and five wise brought with them extra oil for their lamps and the foolish brought none extra. When the groom had appeared and it was time for the bridesmaids to go out and meet him, the foolish asked the wise for some of theirs but they would not give to the foolish for they would not have enough for themselves. The wise told the foolish, go out and buy some from the peddlers before it was too late. In their time of going out to buy more oil, the groom came, lead by the wise bridesmaids, and went into the party. The doors were shut. When the foolish arrived, they were not allowed in for they were not known to the master.
Sitting around and waiting is hard work. It can be boring and tiring. But what does that mean in the context of waiting for Jesus? We are not prophets and we do not know the hour and time at which he is coming? We can choose when we talk to him and prayer, and worship Him in service, but how do we wait for an hour we don't know when it is coming? I have come to relate this season of waiting to patience, something I am coming to develop more and more everyday with my work here in Ecuador.
With waiting comes the need for patience. Like many of us, myself included, patience can be difficult; especially when we are waiting for an unknown event of time of occurence. My patience has increased exponentially with my work that I am doing here. Teaching children who don't want to learn is a very difficult task. Teaching alone is a very difficult task. I am even working in a new country let alone in a familiar surrounding.
In this season of Advent, I feel I am not only waiting for the birth of Christ, I am waiting to find what I am seeking here in the work I am doing with the Episcopal Church. I am seeking out that feeling of accomplishing a worthwhile work here when I am constantly feeling like what is the point? I find myself asking what work am I accomplishing for God and His church when the children don't even want to learn? Am I making even one impact on at least one child?
My work here has become easier for me to accept a sense of accomplishing work for a change now that I have helped create and now lead free twice a week community tutoring and English classes through the Cathedral, where I attend weekly service and work at the Cathedral school. It is a relief and refreshing feeling to actually have students who respect you and listen to you. I am very excited about this program more so than I am with my actual work at the Cathedral school. No one said teaching would be easy.
I also find myself asking, where am I going with my life. I not only took on this mission work to further my exploration of my faith with the Episcopal Church, but to also look, seek out, and patiently wait for the answer of what God is asking me to do with my life. I was very excited to finish college but at the same time terrified because I had/still have no idea where God is leading me in this confusing ride called life. I know where my interests lie for the most part but I struggle to find where and how to apply these interests with the next steps in this game called life.
This brings me to remember the season I am currently in. Advent is a time to apply our patience or learn some for those of us who don't have patience. It is the season to reflect on and turn back to our faith, because it is in this beautiful season we await for the return of Christ. We eagerly look forward to the birth of our savior. With His return and reign, our faith is transformed, and for me, it renews my strength in trusting in Him to guide my life and my purpose for His work in this world.
Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light, now in the time of this mortal life in which your Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious majesty to judge both the living and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen (Collect for First Sunday of Advent, BCP)
Sitting around and waiting is hard work. It can be boring and tiring. But what does that mean in the context of waiting for Jesus? We are not prophets and we do not know the hour and time at which he is coming? We can choose when we talk to him and prayer, and worship Him in service, but how do we wait for an hour we don't know when it is coming? I have come to relate this season of waiting to patience, something I am coming to develop more and more everyday with my work here in Ecuador.
With waiting comes the need for patience. Like many of us, myself included, patience can be difficult; especially when we are waiting for an unknown event of time of occurence. My patience has increased exponentially with my work that I am doing here. Teaching children who don't want to learn is a very difficult task. Teaching alone is a very difficult task. I am even working in a new country let alone in a familiar surrounding.
In this season of Advent, I feel I am not only waiting for the birth of Christ, I am waiting to find what I am seeking here in the work I am doing with the Episcopal Church. I am seeking out that feeling of accomplishing a worthwhile work here when I am constantly feeling like what is the point? I find myself asking what work am I accomplishing for God and His church when the children don't even want to learn? Am I making even one impact on at least one child?
My work here has become easier for me to accept a sense of accomplishing work for a change now that I have helped create and now lead free twice a week community tutoring and English classes through the Cathedral, where I attend weekly service and work at the Cathedral school. It is a relief and refreshing feeling to actually have students who respect you and listen to you. I am very excited about this program more so than I am with my actual work at the Cathedral school. No one said teaching would be easy.
I also find myself asking, where am I going with my life. I not only took on this mission work to further my exploration of my faith with the Episcopal Church, but to also look, seek out, and patiently wait for the answer of what God is asking me to do with my life. I was very excited to finish college but at the same time terrified because I had/still have no idea where God is leading me in this confusing ride called life. I know where my interests lie for the most part but I struggle to find where and how to apply these interests with the next steps in this game called life.
This brings me to remember the season I am currently in. Advent is a time to apply our patience or learn some for those of us who don't have patience. It is the season to reflect on and turn back to our faith, because it is in this beautiful season we await for the return of Christ. We eagerly look forward to the birth of our savior. With His return and reign, our faith is transformed, and for me, it renews my strength in trusting in Him to guide my life and my purpose for His work in this world.
Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light, now in the time of this mortal life in which your Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious majesty to judge both the living and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen (Collect for First Sunday of Advent, BCP)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Most Dangerous Parts of Mission Work in Ecuador and South America
Working in South America, specifically Ecuador, I wondered just how dangerous life might be. You hear of the notorious stories of international kidnappings for money, muggings, or even the run ins with unstable governments or violence over drugs. However, if I were to get hurt or be in any form of mortal danger, it won't be from any of these. My peril will come in a different form; the most dangerous activity I have experienced thus far here in Ecuador. That peril is being involved in a car accident.
I just recently returned from traveling to Santo Domingo, and I thanked God upon my arrival in Quito after praying for the two hours asking for His guiding hand in safety. There is no regard to speed limit here and passing on blind curves because of impatience is sport here.
I've always been the type of person to be able to read when I am traveling if I get bored and not get sick. Five minutes into riding the bus to and the car from Santo Domingo, my stomach was in knots and I knew I was going to throw up. (Sorry everyone.) I recently needed to download a new attachment on metric to American conversions so I could comprehend just how fast we were taking these blind curves. It seems the Ecuadorian people have no sense of patience and love a good thrill ride.
Also, hitchiking is very popular here as well.It is not uncommon to see a family or strangers catching a ride in the back of a pickup on the way to their destination. Seat belts are a foreign concept and most don't use them. The majority of taxi's, approximately ninety-five percent of them don't even come equipped with seat belts except for the driver's seat.
Although I have been robbed only once (outside a bus station by a man keeping one hand in a pocket and shouting dame, dame, which means give me, at me. Robbery does not scare me. It is not my greatest fear here. You simply hand over what you have on you so they leave you alone. Fortunately all I was carrying was my wallet at the time with sixteen dollars and a photocopy of my passport (which is why I carry copies and never the original). Fun fact for you, U.S. passports can be valued as high as 1500 dollars on the black market. I now no longer carry more than ten dollars on me. You also stay away from the areas of high crime activity. It's the same in the U.S. If I were in L.A. I wouldn't go straying into south central or Compton, nor would I venture into Richmond or Oakland in the Bay Area. Common sense is what keeps you from trouble, and small robberies such as the one I experienced could happen to anyone, anywhere. What I fear the most of my time and work here in Ecuador is everytime I board a bus or a taxi. With the way they drive here, the Ecuadorian impatience and the need to break land speed records, it is public transportation that makes me nervous.
I apologize for the long lapse in postings. Thank you to my readers for your patience and more to come and follow. Blessings and peace be with you all.
I just recently returned from traveling to Santo Domingo, and I thanked God upon my arrival in Quito after praying for the two hours asking for His guiding hand in safety. There is no regard to speed limit here and passing on blind curves because of impatience is sport here.
I've always been the type of person to be able to read when I am traveling if I get bored and not get sick. Five minutes into riding the bus to and the car from Santo Domingo, my stomach was in knots and I knew I was going to throw up. (Sorry everyone.) I recently needed to download a new attachment on metric to American conversions so I could comprehend just how fast we were taking these blind curves. It seems the Ecuadorian people have no sense of patience and love a good thrill ride.
Also, hitchiking is very popular here as well.It is not uncommon to see a family or strangers catching a ride in the back of a pickup on the way to their destination. Seat belts are a foreign concept and most don't use them. The majority of taxi's, approximately ninety-five percent of them don't even come equipped with seat belts except for the driver's seat.
Although I have been robbed only once (outside a bus station by a man keeping one hand in a pocket and shouting dame, dame, which means give me, at me. Robbery does not scare me. It is not my greatest fear here. You simply hand over what you have on you so they leave you alone. Fortunately all I was carrying was my wallet at the time with sixteen dollars and a photocopy of my passport (which is why I carry copies and never the original). Fun fact for you, U.S. passports can be valued as high as 1500 dollars on the black market. I now no longer carry more than ten dollars on me. You also stay away from the areas of high crime activity. It's the same in the U.S. If I were in L.A. I wouldn't go straying into south central or Compton, nor would I venture into Richmond or Oakland in the Bay Area. Common sense is what keeps you from trouble, and small robberies such as the one I experienced could happen to anyone, anywhere. What I fear the most of my time and work here in Ecuador is everytime I board a bus or a taxi. With the way they drive here, the Ecuadorian impatience and the need to break land speed records, it is public transportation that makes me nervous.
I apologize for the long lapse in postings. Thank you to my readers for your patience and more to come and follow. Blessings and peace be with you all.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Football, Mayonnaise, and the Catholic Influence
We've all heard the arguments of which sport is undoubtedly the favorite among sports fans. In the United States, American Football, Baseball, and Basketball dominate the leading popularity of sports among sports fans. Football(Soccer) is not even a blip among popularity in the United States (unless you're a UCSB Gaucho!). Here in Ecuador, there is no such thing as another sport other than soccer. Don't get me wrong, they play baseball, basketball, and volleyball on occasion for fun, but football in Ecuador is more than just a game; it is a religion and a way of life.
It did not dawn on me just how important soccer is to the Latin community until I witnessed two very extraordinary events. When Liga, a professional soccer team from Quito, Ecuador, hands down the best in the country and a top contender in all of central and South America, played for the South American championships back in September, the game was played on a Sunday morning and every church I knew of, had moved service times to accomodate the spectacle watchers. This included the Catholic Church. No joke. It blew my mind that God was put on hold until after a game. The second event was when I went with my family to watch Liga play an away game at a near by restaurant to cheer on our team. It was raining and rather cold that night. Outside the restaurant and outside a nearby television electronics store, I witness people gathered in the freezing rain to watch the game because they can't afford to enter the restaurant or don't have a t.v. at home. I don't care who you are, that's dedication. I don't know too many people in the U.S. who would do that.
The atmosphere of soccer games in Latin America is absolutely intense. I thought Locos at Gaucho games were intense but UCSB doesn't even scratch the surface of the atmosphere of games here in Latin America. I realize that the Locos at UCSB is just that; college level fun. Let me tell you now though of the intense atmosphere at a soccer game in Ecuador (or in any other part of the world for that matter where soccer is life).
We're no different from the Ecuadorians in cat calling when players are not playing their best. However, an entire stadium, even fans will do that whistle when your cat calling a woman when a player is being thought of as playing, well, like a girl. It is tradition you stand through all times during play in respect for your team. I wondered where that tradition came from at UCSB. When your team scores, it is not uncommon to start a fire in the bleachers while singing at the top of your lungs your teams anthem. I kid you not, fires in the bleachers, and the police can't get to the sections because of the crazy fans. The fires are quickly put out but I can't even imagine doing something like that. In the two games I've been to thus far, I've seen fires started and then put out. Fans, those who have one, will bring in large drums to bang away at during the game to keep the stadium loud, and set the beat to the songs being sung for their team. Professional soccer players are treated like gods and walk on water in their hometowns. The atmosphere is absolutely one of a kind and different.
Quito is home to five professional teams alone, and Ecuador, for a country the size of the state of Colorado, has a total of twenty-four professional teams. In Quito is home to one of the best professional soccer teams in all of Central and South America. They are Liga. They are by far the most popular team in Quito and all of Ecuador for that matter, and have won the South American Championships numerous times and even have a few International championships under their belts. Most recently, they have just won another South American championship making them the best team in S.A. this year. Liga is who my family cheers for, and by default, who I cheer for. Games are a must see, and you don't miss them. If we're not at the stadium, we're at a nearby restaurant that plays the game cheering on with other fans who aren't at the game at the time. The Liga stadium actually is not too far from the Cathedral and where I live and so home games at night can be heard from where I live, and I even have a great view of when they set off fireworks. Soccer truly is a way of life here and a unique and incredible experience. I've been to my share of professional games in the U.S. and watched on television, but nothing I feel compares to the wild excitement of the most popular sport in the world.
Mayonnaise is used here to the equivalence of our use of Ketchup in the U.S. Ecuadorians use it for everything! It is the preffered condiment for dipping fries, it is heavily layed on thick with sandwiches, and put on as a salsa for all foods you eat. This is difficult for me as I am not a huge fan of mayonnaise. My extensive use of mayonnaise is simply for sandwiches, spread thin, and at times on hamburgers, spread thin. The thought of simply eating mayonnaise as a dipping sauce for my fries or as a salsa to cover my rice and potatoes is absolutely disturbing to me. I politely not use mayonnaise the way Ecuadorians use it, and when I order a sandwich, I ask for mayonnaise spread thin which always gives me strange looks. It is definately different but it is a favorite among the Ecuadorians.
As I have mentioned before, Catholicism is the dominant faith here in Ecaudor even though a lot don't practice it. This is especially among the young adults. In fact, I look around, and I don't see much difference from young adults here, and young adults in the United States. Relationships are just as common with public displays of affection as we would see in the the United States. I have even lost count of how many women I have met with children at such a young age (most confessing having had the child out of wedlock and were forced to marry as soon as they were found out to being pregnant). I'm getting a little off track with this, and I did not mention this to bash on the ideals of the people here, for they are not much different from what we see in some people in the United States, but to show what I have found to be what is more 'common' in the United States and not seeing that strict Catholic stereotype I've always heard about.
Where I do want to go however with the Catholic influence is within the Episcopal Church itself. Recently, around the beginning of October, the Cathedral and many other parishes around the city have begun classes for first communion and confirmation. Now many of you who know you're way around the Catholic faith, all faithful must first attend First Communion classes before being allowed to receive the Sacrament of the Great Eucharist. As you know, we as Episcopalians, the shunned cousins of the Catholic Church, do not believe this is necessary and we will never turn anyone away from the Lord's table who wishes to receive. This is not the case with the Episcopal Church here in Ecuador. As I have mentioned before, there is a very strong Catholic influence among the people and is to be expected as it is their history. It was by the Spaniards that conquered the native people of Ecuador and brought with them the Catholic faith. This influence has spilled over into other denominations of Christianity. It is most seen in the Episcopal Church in Ecuador through the first communion classes.
It would be unheard of for a child to be receiving Communion within the Episcopal Church here in Ecuador under the age of nine. The adults with their strong Catholic influence upbringing would take offense to this. It is around that time of nine years old that a child may begin the classes of first communion and take the steps to receiving communion. Here in Ecuador, the Episcopal Church's first communion classes are far shorter than the Catholic's and so each year, the Episcopal Church receives numerous Catholic children into the classes of first communion so they may begin receiving communion within the Catholic Church much sooner.(The Catholic church accepts the Episcopal certificate of first communion classes. The length of time for classes with the Episcopal Church is more or less a year long where as the Catholic Church's classes are around two years long.)
Chris and myself have voiced our absolute distaste in this situation. We feel that it is misleading of our church to be allowing these classes to continue when we do not abide by that rule nor is it a requirement of our church. We feel that it is not appropriate for a church to be misleading about who it is and it's clear structure of receiving the sacrament as outlined in the Catechism of our faith. It is our job as members of our church to portray who we are and be true to the full elements and structure of the church and not bend here or there to satisfy the lingering influence of history that has become of the people of Ecuador. I feel it is the responsibility of the members of the church to uphold the structures of our faith and not be misleading about it. If you are to be a contributing member, you need to fully commit to the ways and foundations of the church and not conform to misleading ways. Some traditions are not to be tampered with in my opinion, especially if those traditions are clearly misleading the ideal faith and intended mission of the church. Many of us Episcopalians have seen our church evolve and conform for the better...it is what a growing church needs to do to survive in an ever changing world. We have seen recently that even the Catholic Church has made astounding changes, but has never been misleading. I feel we need to return to the firm stance of being who we are and not changing the traditions that are not meant to be changed.
If there is to be an upside to this however, it is that Chris and I are taking the opportunity to share with the classes what the Episcopal Church is and teach them about us. We hope to see this as an opportunity to share the point of view of the Episcopal Church and hopefully bring new members to the Episcopal Church and build up the Episcopal Church in Ecuador.
Until next time, God's peace and blessings be with you all!
It did not dawn on me just how important soccer is to the Latin community until I witnessed two very extraordinary events. When Liga, a professional soccer team from Quito, Ecuador, hands down the best in the country and a top contender in all of central and South America, played for the South American championships back in September, the game was played on a Sunday morning and every church I knew of, had moved service times to accomodate the spectacle watchers. This included the Catholic Church. No joke. It blew my mind that God was put on hold until after a game. The second event was when I went with my family to watch Liga play an away game at a near by restaurant to cheer on our team. It was raining and rather cold that night. Outside the restaurant and outside a nearby television electronics store, I witness people gathered in the freezing rain to watch the game because they can't afford to enter the restaurant or don't have a t.v. at home. I don't care who you are, that's dedication. I don't know too many people in the U.S. who would do that.
The atmosphere of soccer games in Latin America is absolutely intense. I thought Locos at Gaucho games were intense but UCSB doesn't even scratch the surface of the atmosphere of games here in Latin America. I realize that the Locos at UCSB is just that; college level fun. Let me tell you now though of the intense atmosphere at a soccer game in Ecuador (or in any other part of the world for that matter where soccer is life).
We're no different from the Ecuadorians in cat calling when players are not playing their best. However, an entire stadium, even fans will do that whistle when your cat calling a woman when a player is being thought of as playing, well, like a girl. It is tradition you stand through all times during play in respect for your team. I wondered where that tradition came from at UCSB. When your team scores, it is not uncommon to start a fire in the bleachers while singing at the top of your lungs your teams anthem. I kid you not, fires in the bleachers, and the police can't get to the sections because of the crazy fans. The fires are quickly put out but I can't even imagine doing something like that. In the two games I've been to thus far, I've seen fires started and then put out. Fans, those who have one, will bring in large drums to bang away at during the game to keep the stadium loud, and set the beat to the songs being sung for their team. Professional soccer players are treated like gods and walk on water in their hometowns. The atmosphere is absolutely one of a kind and different.
Quito is home to five professional teams alone, and Ecuador, for a country the size of the state of Colorado, has a total of twenty-four professional teams. In Quito is home to one of the best professional soccer teams in all of Central and South America. They are Liga. They are by far the most popular team in Quito and all of Ecuador for that matter, and have won the South American Championships numerous times and even have a few International championships under their belts. Most recently, they have just won another South American championship making them the best team in S.A. this year. Liga is who my family cheers for, and by default, who I cheer for. Games are a must see, and you don't miss them. If we're not at the stadium, we're at a nearby restaurant that plays the game cheering on with other fans who aren't at the game at the time. The Liga stadium actually is not too far from the Cathedral and where I live and so home games at night can be heard from where I live, and I even have a great view of when they set off fireworks. Soccer truly is a way of life here and a unique and incredible experience. I've been to my share of professional games in the U.S. and watched on television, but nothing I feel compares to the wild excitement of the most popular sport in the world.
Mayonnaise is used here to the equivalence of our use of Ketchup in the U.S. Ecuadorians use it for everything! It is the preffered condiment for dipping fries, it is heavily layed on thick with sandwiches, and put on as a salsa for all foods you eat. This is difficult for me as I am not a huge fan of mayonnaise. My extensive use of mayonnaise is simply for sandwiches, spread thin, and at times on hamburgers, spread thin. The thought of simply eating mayonnaise as a dipping sauce for my fries or as a salsa to cover my rice and potatoes is absolutely disturbing to me. I politely not use mayonnaise the way Ecuadorians use it, and when I order a sandwich, I ask for mayonnaise spread thin which always gives me strange looks. It is definately different but it is a favorite among the Ecuadorians.
As I have mentioned before, Catholicism is the dominant faith here in Ecaudor even though a lot don't practice it. This is especially among the young adults. In fact, I look around, and I don't see much difference from young adults here, and young adults in the United States. Relationships are just as common with public displays of affection as we would see in the the United States. I have even lost count of how many women I have met with children at such a young age (most confessing having had the child out of wedlock and were forced to marry as soon as they were found out to being pregnant). I'm getting a little off track with this, and I did not mention this to bash on the ideals of the people here, for they are not much different from what we see in some people in the United States, but to show what I have found to be what is more 'common' in the United States and not seeing that strict Catholic stereotype I've always heard about.
Where I do want to go however with the Catholic influence is within the Episcopal Church itself. Recently, around the beginning of October, the Cathedral and many other parishes around the city have begun classes for first communion and confirmation. Now many of you who know you're way around the Catholic faith, all faithful must first attend First Communion classes before being allowed to receive the Sacrament of the Great Eucharist. As you know, we as Episcopalians, the shunned cousins of the Catholic Church, do not believe this is necessary and we will never turn anyone away from the Lord's table who wishes to receive. This is not the case with the Episcopal Church here in Ecuador. As I have mentioned before, there is a very strong Catholic influence among the people and is to be expected as it is their history. It was by the Spaniards that conquered the native people of Ecuador and brought with them the Catholic faith. This influence has spilled over into other denominations of Christianity. It is most seen in the Episcopal Church in Ecuador through the first communion classes.
It would be unheard of for a child to be receiving Communion within the Episcopal Church here in Ecuador under the age of nine. The adults with their strong Catholic influence upbringing would take offense to this. It is around that time of nine years old that a child may begin the classes of first communion and take the steps to receiving communion. Here in Ecuador, the Episcopal Church's first communion classes are far shorter than the Catholic's and so each year, the Episcopal Church receives numerous Catholic children into the classes of first communion so they may begin receiving communion within the Catholic Church much sooner.(The Catholic church accepts the Episcopal certificate of first communion classes. The length of time for classes with the Episcopal Church is more or less a year long where as the Catholic Church's classes are around two years long.)
Chris and myself have voiced our absolute distaste in this situation. We feel that it is misleading of our church to be allowing these classes to continue when we do not abide by that rule nor is it a requirement of our church. We feel that it is not appropriate for a church to be misleading about who it is and it's clear structure of receiving the sacrament as outlined in the Catechism of our faith. It is our job as members of our church to portray who we are and be true to the full elements and structure of the church and not bend here or there to satisfy the lingering influence of history that has become of the people of Ecuador. I feel it is the responsibility of the members of the church to uphold the structures of our faith and not be misleading about it. If you are to be a contributing member, you need to fully commit to the ways and foundations of the church and not conform to misleading ways. Some traditions are not to be tampered with in my opinion, especially if those traditions are clearly misleading the ideal faith and intended mission of the church. Many of us Episcopalians have seen our church evolve and conform for the better...it is what a growing church needs to do to survive in an ever changing world. We have seen recently that even the Catholic Church has made astounding changes, but has never been misleading. I feel we need to return to the firm stance of being who we are and not changing the traditions that are not meant to be changed.
If there is to be an upside to this however, it is that Chris and I are taking the opportunity to share with the classes what the Episcopal Church is and teach them about us. We hope to see this as an opportunity to share the point of view of the Episcopal Church and hopefully bring new members to the Episcopal Church and build up the Episcopal Church in Ecuador.
Until next time, God's peace and blessings be with you all!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
A Government Coup with A Blessing from God...an Ordination
By now, most of you know and have been in contact with me in regards to the political unrest and brief government coup of Ecuador. Be assured, I was/am well during the situation and just kept put during the excitement. I thank you all for your prayers and well wishes during the situation which believe it or not, is still undergoing.
I know I promised this post three days after the event took place, and as it is now almost two weeks since the eventful day, I do heartily apologize. I'm finding it more and more difficult to sit down and write. I thought this part would be easy as I love to write and I knew that this year was going to be full of adventure. Well, as I was warned, and either I didn't believe or didn't listen, I have become very busy. But this should not deter me from my job to keep those supporting me here from knowing of my work and the going ons of my stay here during this year of God's work. If some of my fellow YASCers can make a new post every week, not mentioning any names in particular...Ann! (you're killing me by the way), I should certainly hold up to the same expectations as well.
Although things have settled down significantly, the country of Ecuador remains in a delicate balance. The people have completely lost faith in their system of public protection and they don't know how they will ever regain their trust. It's a scary feeling to think that the people whose job is to protect you from crime and other dangers of civilization, can become the very people they're supposed to protect you from. Quito, being the capital of Ecuador, remains in a State of Exception for an additional sixty (60) days which means that both the military and the police force are in charge of law enforcement authority.
The day began like any other. Thursday, September 30th, I awoke at six a.m. to begin my day of teaching at the cathedral and work at the diocese. When I arrived at school all was well, classes ran normally, but by the time recess came around, I left my class to see my fellow professors talking in hushed voices with somber looks on their faces as they ushered for me to join them. I walked over and the first of the news of the riots breaking out has reached our school. It was not long thereafter until the first student heard the news and it spread like wildfire. Classes were unable to continue due to the concern and worry of every student and the professors became occupied with settling and comforting the students, some of which were in tears, fearing the noises and news of violence in their own city and throughout their country. Parents began to arrive and within no time, all students had returned home with their families before noon. School normally ends at 1:20 in the afternoon here. When the last student left, the professors, myself included, began looking for ways to get home safely.
On this particular day, of all days, I had forgotten my cell phone at home and was unable to reach my host family on their whereabouts and what their plans were for the current situation. I wanted to call my host father to meet me at the church and walk home with me in case I may have come across trouble on my way home for who knows what reason: being a gringo, wrong place wrong time type thing, or what, but without my cell, I could not do this. I braved walking home, only living four blocks from the school and made it safely home.
My family was all perched around the television and I joined them, eager to learn of what was going on. I had checked my cell phone, and I had numerous missed calls; one from the diocese of Central Ecuador, the bishop personally, calling to check on my well being, the permanent placed Episcopal missionary from the U.S. and his family called to see how I was, and of course, the National Church, my boss, calling me to see about the situation and my well being. I was surprised by the concern of everyone and thankful for their checking in. I returned all the calls, and rejoined my host family watching the news.
As I sat with my family I learned of the terror unwinding within the country of Ecuador.
All branches of police had gone on strike after receiving word that their benefits were being cut or even diminished in some way by a new government bill. This began the rioting, and here in Ecuador, the riots began like all others, the statement of buring tires in the streets. Early in the morning, the President had left his home to address the rioters, explain the situation and the bill to the rioters in the streets. It was there he was attacked by the very police guarding him, his gas masked removed, and was exposed to various gases. He was taken to the hospital to be treated for the various gases. Throughout the day, the police continued to riot, taking control of the Quito airport shutting it down, and closing all major highways and roads throughout Ecuador. Thre was no entering or leaving by any means. With the police force on strike, public citizens took it upon themselves to begin looting and robbing major banks and stores, especially in the major cities of Quito, Guayaquil, Latacunga, and Cuenca saw the most violent string of robberies and crime with no police force to keep it in check or enforce. The police throughout the day continued to riot and take over various public locations, including the President's personal broadcast station to prevent him from communicating with the country.
Later in the evening, the police force attempted to kidnap the president from his hospital room, but was safely evacuated by the Ecuadorian military which had taken place of law enforcement within the country, and returned the president safely to his residence in Centro Quito. During the attempted kidnapping of the President, the streets of Quito near the hospital and Centro had become a warzone where the police, armed to the teeth, were exchanging fire with the Ecaudorian military force. It was a frightening day for everyone and for me. When the president returned to his residence, he immediately addressed the people of Ecuador and the protestors, with a vow to meet with their representatives and discuss a solution to the situation.
The U.S. Embassy sent out warnings and postings of advice throughout the day to registered U.S. Citizens within the country, and advised sitting tight in our homes and not explore for trouble. I did just that and maintained my distance until the situation was over.
Miracle upon miracles, the major parts of the riots ended the following day, and the Chief of the National Police force submitted his resignation to the president of Quito. Ten percent of the police force returned to work on Friday, October 1st, the following day, with the promise of the return of the rest slowly throughout the weekend as negotiations began with the police forces and the government.
That weekend of the first of October, I was due a visit from my boss at the National Church in NY and was wondering if he would be able to make it in. Surprisingly, the airport reopened Friday, and my boss, David Copley arrived. The reason for his visit was not only his check in with me, but for the next part of this blog post: an ordination service of three new priests to the diocese of Central Ecuador!
On Saturday, October 2nd, amongst the ugliness of the political situation in Ecuador, the Episcopal Church was able to celebrate the ordination of Chris Morck, and two other deacons of the diocese to the priesthood. Chris, who is the other American Episcopal missionary here in Quito, but a permanent missionary, was ordained a priest and celebrated his first communion that Saturday amongst a gathered faithful of three hundred or more at the Catedral de El Senor, in Quito, also the location of the school where I teach English. The bishop of Central Ecuador, Louise Restreppo, presided the service and was joied with two visiting bishops who also presided in the service. One was from Nicaragua, the other from a nearby diocese. Many of Chris's friends and relatives flew in for the ceremony, before the airport was shut down, including Chris' and my boss, the Reverend David Copley, from 815 in New York. It was an amazing celebration and a gift from God to allow the ceremony to continue amongst the current ugliness going on in surrounding Quito and Ecuador. What a momentous day it was and I was so glad to have been able to share the happy day with Chris and his family, as we have become fast friends during my time here in Ecuador. The family and I have become such fast friends and I have gained their trust, that they call on me to babysit their two young daughters when Chris and his wife Trish need a date night or have to work late. I have become like an older brother to the girls and we have such a great time.

Candidate Chris Morck with fellow candidate...Chris is the Gringo if you're wondering!

Candidates kneeling before the three bishops, taking their consecration vows.

Chris' wife Trish and their two daughters vesting the newly ordained Reverend Chris Morck

The Reverend Chris Morck with his wife and two daughters...Isabel, 4 and Claire, 8

The Reverend Chris Morck with Family and our Boss from NY the Reverend David Copley
The weekend with my boss was enjoyable. It was nice to catch up and visit and express my concerns, happiness, and overall well being with the YASC program in Ecuador. After Chris' ordination, we all went out and celbrated that night, Chris' closes friends, family, and our boss, and saw no problems amidst the unrest going on in the city. We were robbed after dinner saturday night, but God was looking out for us on that blessed day, and security at the hotel were able to recover our belongings, my wallet, with twenty dollars, (thank God I emptied it before we left for dinner of my credit/debit cards and $300 cash (rent was due), a friend's camera, and the other's wallets.
I joined my boss for church Sunday morning where we celebrated Chris' first solo Eucharist at his home church where he had been working as a deacon, and he said his goodbye's as the bishop of the diocese has assigned him to the Cathedral as the new rector. I will be seeing Chris a lot more!! It was no secret that my boss at the school, the Reverend Eduardo has more of a love for the children and the school than he does being the rector of the Cathedral, has asked to be assigned full time to the school as the administrator and Padre of the school and leave the care of the church in the hands of Chris. Padre Eduardo is getting old after all and cannot both manage both the cathedral and the school.
After church, David visited with me and my host family for a short while where my host family was anxious to meet him. They wanted to know what kind of man my boss was and thank him for his generousity and work with the church and for allowing me to stay with them. David inquired about my stay with the family, if there were any problems and generally wanted to know about my host family. It was a great visit, brief, and satisfying. My family reported how happy they were to have me and that they had no problems. I said my good-bye's to David after the visit, as he was returning to the U.S. that night, Sunday, October 3rd.
Well, that about wraps up this entry. It was an exciting weekend, with a brief government coup, an ordination, and an old reunion, I was blessed to be able to have experienced it all, and it has only enlightened me further on the extent of the situation of the country I now call home, and the ability to celebrate the blessing and consecration of new priest and close friend Chris Morck, just makes my time here all the more memorable. Until the next post, may the blessings and peace of God be with you all.
I know I promised this post three days after the event took place, and as it is now almost two weeks since the eventful day, I do heartily apologize. I'm finding it more and more difficult to sit down and write. I thought this part would be easy as I love to write and I knew that this year was going to be full of adventure. Well, as I was warned, and either I didn't believe or didn't listen, I have become very busy. But this should not deter me from my job to keep those supporting me here from knowing of my work and the going ons of my stay here during this year of God's work. If some of my fellow YASCers can make a new post every week, not mentioning any names in particular...Ann! (you're killing me by the way), I should certainly hold up to the same expectations as well.
Although things have settled down significantly, the country of Ecuador remains in a delicate balance. The people have completely lost faith in their system of public protection and they don't know how they will ever regain their trust. It's a scary feeling to think that the people whose job is to protect you from crime and other dangers of civilization, can become the very people they're supposed to protect you from. Quito, being the capital of Ecuador, remains in a State of Exception for an additional sixty (60) days which means that both the military and the police force are in charge of law enforcement authority.
The day began like any other. Thursday, September 30th, I awoke at six a.m. to begin my day of teaching at the cathedral and work at the diocese. When I arrived at school all was well, classes ran normally, but by the time recess came around, I left my class to see my fellow professors talking in hushed voices with somber looks on their faces as they ushered for me to join them. I walked over and the first of the news of the riots breaking out has reached our school. It was not long thereafter until the first student heard the news and it spread like wildfire. Classes were unable to continue due to the concern and worry of every student and the professors became occupied with settling and comforting the students, some of which were in tears, fearing the noises and news of violence in their own city and throughout their country. Parents began to arrive and within no time, all students had returned home with their families before noon. School normally ends at 1:20 in the afternoon here. When the last student left, the professors, myself included, began looking for ways to get home safely.
On this particular day, of all days, I had forgotten my cell phone at home and was unable to reach my host family on their whereabouts and what their plans were for the current situation. I wanted to call my host father to meet me at the church and walk home with me in case I may have come across trouble on my way home for who knows what reason: being a gringo, wrong place wrong time type thing, or what, but without my cell, I could not do this. I braved walking home, only living four blocks from the school and made it safely home.
My family was all perched around the television and I joined them, eager to learn of what was going on. I had checked my cell phone, and I had numerous missed calls; one from the diocese of Central Ecuador, the bishop personally, calling to check on my well being, the permanent placed Episcopal missionary from the U.S. and his family called to see how I was, and of course, the National Church, my boss, calling me to see about the situation and my well being. I was surprised by the concern of everyone and thankful for their checking in. I returned all the calls, and rejoined my host family watching the news.
As I sat with my family I learned of the terror unwinding within the country of Ecuador.
All branches of police had gone on strike after receiving word that their benefits were being cut or even diminished in some way by a new government bill. This began the rioting, and here in Ecuador, the riots began like all others, the statement of buring tires in the streets. Early in the morning, the President had left his home to address the rioters, explain the situation and the bill to the rioters in the streets. It was there he was attacked by the very police guarding him, his gas masked removed, and was exposed to various gases. He was taken to the hospital to be treated for the various gases. Throughout the day, the police continued to riot, taking control of the Quito airport shutting it down, and closing all major highways and roads throughout Ecuador. Thre was no entering or leaving by any means. With the police force on strike, public citizens took it upon themselves to begin looting and robbing major banks and stores, especially in the major cities of Quito, Guayaquil, Latacunga, and Cuenca saw the most violent string of robberies and crime with no police force to keep it in check or enforce. The police throughout the day continued to riot and take over various public locations, including the President's personal broadcast station to prevent him from communicating with the country.
Later in the evening, the police force attempted to kidnap the president from his hospital room, but was safely evacuated by the Ecuadorian military which had taken place of law enforcement within the country, and returned the president safely to his residence in Centro Quito. During the attempted kidnapping of the President, the streets of Quito near the hospital and Centro had become a warzone where the police, armed to the teeth, were exchanging fire with the Ecaudorian military force. It was a frightening day for everyone and for me. When the president returned to his residence, he immediately addressed the people of Ecuador and the protestors, with a vow to meet with their representatives and discuss a solution to the situation.
The U.S. Embassy sent out warnings and postings of advice throughout the day to registered U.S. Citizens within the country, and advised sitting tight in our homes and not explore for trouble. I did just that and maintained my distance until the situation was over.
Miracle upon miracles, the major parts of the riots ended the following day, and the Chief of the National Police force submitted his resignation to the president of Quito. Ten percent of the police force returned to work on Friday, October 1st, the following day, with the promise of the return of the rest slowly throughout the weekend as negotiations began with the police forces and the government.
That weekend of the first of October, I was due a visit from my boss at the National Church in NY and was wondering if he would be able to make it in. Surprisingly, the airport reopened Friday, and my boss, David Copley arrived. The reason for his visit was not only his check in with me, but for the next part of this blog post: an ordination service of three new priests to the diocese of Central Ecuador!
On Saturday, October 2nd, amongst the ugliness of the political situation in Ecuador, the Episcopal Church was able to celebrate the ordination of Chris Morck, and two other deacons of the diocese to the priesthood. Chris, who is the other American Episcopal missionary here in Quito, but a permanent missionary, was ordained a priest and celebrated his first communion that Saturday amongst a gathered faithful of three hundred or more at the Catedral de El Senor, in Quito, also the location of the school where I teach English. The bishop of Central Ecuador, Louise Restreppo, presided the service and was joied with two visiting bishops who also presided in the service. One was from Nicaragua, the other from a nearby diocese. Many of Chris's friends and relatives flew in for the ceremony, before the airport was shut down, including Chris' and my boss, the Reverend David Copley, from 815 in New York. It was an amazing celebration and a gift from God to allow the ceremony to continue amongst the current ugliness going on in surrounding Quito and Ecuador. What a momentous day it was and I was so glad to have been able to share the happy day with Chris and his family, as we have become fast friends during my time here in Ecuador. The family and I have become such fast friends and I have gained their trust, that they call on me to babysit their two young daughters when Chris and his wife Trish need a date night or have to work late. I have become like an older brother to the girls and we have such a great time.
Candidate Chris Morck with fellow candidate...Chris is the Gringo if you're wondering!
Candidates kneeling before the three bishops, taking their consecration vows.
Chris' wife Trish and their two daughters vesting the newly ordained Reverend Chris Morck
The Reverend Chris Morck with his wife and two daughters...Isabel, 4 and Claire, 8
The Reverend Chris Morck with Family and our Boss from NY the Reverend David Copley
The weekend with my boss was enjoyable. It was nice to catch up and visit and express my concerns, happiness, and overall well being with the YASC program in Ecuador. After Chris' ordination, we all went out and celbrated that night, Chris' closes friends, family, and our boss, and saw no problems amidst the unrest going on in the city. We were robbed after dinner saturday night, but God was looking out for us on that blessed day, and security at the hotel were able to recover our belongings, my wallet, with twenty dollars, (thank God I emptied it before we left for dinner of my credit/debit cards and $300 cash (rent was due), a friend's camera, and the other's wallets.
I joined my boss for church Sunday morning where we celebrated Chris' first solo Eucharist at his home church where he had been working as a deacon, and he said his goodbye's as the bishop of the diocese has assigned him to the Cathedral as the new rector. I will be seeing Chris a lot more!! It was no secret that my boss at the school, the Reverend Eduardo has more of a love for the children and the school than he does being the rector of the Cathedral, has asked to be assigned full time to the school as the administrator and Padre of the school and leave the care of the church in the hands of Chris. Padre Eduardo is getting old after all and cannot both manage both the cathedral and the school.
After church, David visited with me and my host family for a short while where my host family was anxious to meet him. They wanted to know what kind of man my boss was and thank him for his generousity and work with the church and for allowing me to stay with them. David inquired about my stay with the family, if there were any problems and generally wanted to know about my host family. It was a great visit, brief, and satisfying. My family reported how happy they were to have me and that they had no problems. I said my good-bye's to David after the visit, as he was returning to the U.S. that night, Sunday, October 3rd.
Well, that about wraps up this entry. It was an exciting weekend, with a brief government coup, an ordination, and an old reunion, I was blessed to be able to have experienced it all, and it has only enlightened me further on the extent of the situation of the country I now call home, and the ability to celebrate the blessing and consecration of new priest and close friend Chris Morck, just makes my time here all the more memorable. Until the next post, may the blessings and peace of God be with you all.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
A Busy, Beautiful Week...
Well, now here's an interesting title. To be honest, I'm not sure where to begin. Again it's been some time since my last post, but I found myself asking if it's worth writing a new blog post if it all sounds the same. Reporting on my work, reporting on various outside activities, my health, etc.
However, after talking with a fellow YASCer the other night, he put it into perspective for me. He (Andy Burns by the way), told me how great it was for him to write about even the insignificant things because not only does it help you vent (if it's necessary) or you're expressing a completely exciting piece of good news, you don't know who will be interested to hear what you have to say. It also helps to get the ideas flowing for a new post. (Written Monday, September 27, 2010)
(Friday, October 01, 2010)
Well now,I no longer have the problem of not having anything to write at the moment. I put this blog on hold for four days when I got busy with work this week. I've been running around all over the city with the diocesan attorney attempting to get my visa application complete. For those of you who don't know, I had trouble obtaining my visa before departing the U.S. because I did not receive the needed paperwork from the diocese here in time in the U.S. After submitting my visa three times, and being denied three times, I have finally submitted it for the last time and on Monday, I will have apporoval! It will finally be a relief to have that in my hands as that has been haunting me for the past two months. My visit here as a tourist expires in two weeks and I would have had to leave if I didn't have my visa by then. It's a huge relief to finally have that done. I was not ready to return to the U.S. but most importantly, I was afraid if I had to return and obtain my visa in the U.S. and then come back, I would not want to leave the U.S. due to homesickness feelings growing. But that won't be the case now.
With finally having a visa, I can now also get my Ecuadorian identification card. This will allow me to finally retrieve mailed items to me that have been sitting in Customs here. (If there's a charge for late pick up, I'm not going to be happy.)For some reason, the customs office would not accept my passport. They're reasoning was that because it was only a tourist visa stamp in my booklet, I was only temporary, should not be receiving mail, and also I wouldn't have to recheck everything through customs when I supposedly leave in three weeks...which obviously isn't the case. Anyways, it will finally be a relief to get the books, school supplies, and my contact lenses! I know the school library will be happy to finally get the supplies I've been promising them.
Work continues to progress. Each day is getting easier, I'm able to get through to the students much more quickly about being ready for class, and therefore can spend more time teaching and not disciplining. I had to break up two fights this week between students. One broke out in my classroom, the other out in the yard during my watch of recess. While breaking up one of the fights, one of the students fighting accidentally clocked me in my mouth. I got a small bruise, but it's all good now. No one said this job was going to be easy. I'm also finding lesson plans to be easier to organize and plan. It will be even easier when I finally get the teacher's edition of the text books the children are using, but for some reason, they're being delayed.
I began this week going hiking on Sunday afternoon on one of the mountains surrounding Quito. I was at the base of GuaGua Pichincha volcano, which was 5,000 feet above the city of Quito. I was at the elevation of 15,000 feet up there...I wanted to hike the peak, but that would be a two day and I need to make plans for that. But rest assured, I will climb it this year. If I thought it was hard to breathe when I first arrived in Quito, breathing at 15,000 feet was even more difficult. The air was really thin, I was light headed, and out of breath every twenty feet. The beauty though was absolutely incredible.

My brother, sister and I in a group picture...They joined me on my adventure! Only ones brave enough!

Me at the Edge of a Cliff...It's a long way down!

Part of the city of Quito from 15,000 feet!

My Sister and I hiking the mountain...

Base of Guagua Pichincha Volcano
I know many of you are anxious to read about the incidents of Ecuador's brief instability. I am not avoiding writing on the issue of Thursday's events and the day of political instability. I will be writing another (special post) tomorrow or Sunday, October 2nd or 3rd with all the news about Thursday and my experience with the day. You will understand why I'm waiting when you read the post.
Until then my friends, May God's Peace and Blessings be with you.
However, after talking with a fellow YASCer the other night, he put it into perspective for me. He (Andy Burns by the way), told me how great it was for him to write about even the insignificant things because not only does it help you vent (if it's necessary) or you're expressing a completely exciting piece of good news, you don't know who will be interested to hear what you have to say. It also helps to get the ideas flowing for a new post. (Written Monday, September 27, 2010)
(Friday, October 01, 2010)
Well now,I no longer have the problem of not having anything to write at the moment. I put this blog on hold for four days when I got busy with work this week. I've been running around all over the city with the diocesan attorney attempting to get my visa application complete. For those of you who don't know, I had trouble obtaining my visa before departing the U.S. because I did not receive the needed paperwork from the diocese here in time in the U.S. After submitting my visa three times, and being denied three times, I have finally submitted it for the last time and on Monday, I will have apporoval! It will finally be a relief to have that in my hands as that has been haunting me for the past two months. My visit here as a tourist expires in two weeks and I would have had to leave if I didn't have my visa by then. It's a huge relief to finally have that done. I was not ready to return to the U.S. but most importantly, I was afraid if I had to return and obtain my visa in the U.S. and then come back, I would not want to leave the U.S. due to homesickness feelings growing. But that won't be the case now.
With finally having a visa, I can now also get my Ecuadorian identification card. This will allow me to finally retrieve mailed items to me that have been sitting in Customs here. (If there's a charge for late pick up, I'm not going to be happy.)For some reason, the customs office would not accept my passport. They're reasoning was that because it was only a tourist visa stamp in my booklet, I was only temporary, should not be receiving mail, and also I wouldn't have to recheck everything through customs when I supposedly leave in three weeks...which obviously isn't the case. Anyways, it will finally be a relief to get the books, school supplies, and my contact lenses! I know the school library will be happy to finally get the supplies I've been promising them.
Work continues to progress. Each day is getting easier, I'm able to get through to the students much more quickly about being ready for class, and therefore can spend more time teaching and not disciplining. I had to break up two fights this week between students. One broke out in my classroom, the other out in the yard during my watch of recess. While breaking up one of the fights, one of the students fighting accidentally clocked me in my mouth. I got a small bruise, but it's all good now. No one said this job was going to be easy. I'm also finding lesson plans to be easier to organize and plan. It will be even easier when I finally get the teacher's edition of the text books the children are using, but for some reason, they're being delayed.
I began this week going hiking on Sunday afternoon on one of the mountains surrounding Quito. I was at the base of GuaGua Pichincha volcano, which was 5,000 feet above the city of Quito. I was at the elevation of 15,000 feet up there...I wanted to hike the peak, but that would be a two day and I need to make plans for that. But rest assured, I will climb it this year. If I thought it was hard to breathe when I first arrived in Quito, breathing at 15,000 feet was even more difficult. The air was really thin, I was light headed, and out of breath every twenty feet. The beauty though was absolutely incredible.
My brother, sister and I in a group picture...They joined me on my adventure! Only ones brave enough!
Me at the Edge of a Cliff...It's a long way down!
Part of the city of Quito from 15,000 feet!
My Sister and I hiking the mountain...
Base of Guagua Pichincha Volcano
I know many of you are anxious to read about the incidents of Ecuador's brief instability. I am not avoiding writing on the issue of Thursday's events and the day of political instability. I will be writing another (special post) tomorrow or Sunday, October 2nd or 3rd with all the news about Thursday and my experience with the day. You will understand why I'm waiting when you read the post.
Until then my friends, May God's Peace and Blessings be with you.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
And the Work Begins...
Well here I am again. It's been a little over two weeks since my last post and I do apologize for that. Work is beginning to mount up and I am seeing just how very busy I will be throughout the year.
To begin, I celebrated my 23rd birthday on Friday, September 10th. This was my first birthday outside the United States and my first where it was not celebrated with my family and friends. Birthdays in my family have always been spent with family or with friends. However, I had a great birthday. My new friends here took me out for a wonderful birthday. After work, we went to Centro Quito and had fresh fish and chips for lunch at an open air market. Afterwards, we toured the city, grabbed some beverages at various locations, had dinner at a fairly upscale restaurant, and finished the night with dancing early into the morning. I returned home around two in the morning eager for bed. I had three parties that day. My fellow teachers at the school threw me a party during lunch break, my family awoke me Friday morning in song with a cake (which we ate for breakfast), and at dinner, where my fellow teachers, friends, and I had dinner with cake to follow. What a great day!
School has begun here in Ecuador which means work has begun. School has only been in session for a week (school here begins on our Labor Day). My job is incredible and the students are amazing. I have to admit though, I don't know exactly what I'm doing! It makes me a little nervous but oh well. With time I'm positive I will find my groove and become very comfortable with what I am doing.
Day one was my first challenge. Here all public and private schools begin with a presentation of the students and teachers for the parents. It is a time when the staff are introduced to the parents and the students are presented to their teachers. In attendance was the board of directors of the school which included the Bishop of the Diocese of Central Ecuador. So began my first task. The Bishop, without warning from the Director of the School, the Rev. Eduardo, or my fellow professors, asked me to come forward and present myself as to who I am and what I will be doing this year. Mind you I have only been here five weeks and to make a presentation without warning completely in Spanish, was nerve wracking to say the least. However I made it through. I was rather impressed with myself as was the Bishop and my fellow professors. With the exception of a few mistakes like the wrong use of person in verb translation, I was actually understood. They confided in me that this was my hazing into my new job. Glad to know I am now official. It was a lot of fun.
Anyways, the students are a handful. They were able to smell my fear and those that have been with the school for more than a year knew that I was the new missionary English teacher. They played the usual fresh meat games and it took me a little while to catch on. (By the way, to my old teachers and parents reading this, I'm so sorry for the games we played with you and ran up your patience. I now know how you feel.) Part of the games the students played was not even giving me their real names. I finally caught on when one student made the mistake of introducing himself as Michael Jackson, the next wasn't even more original introducing herself as Angelina Jolie. I had to get a list of all the names of the students for each class. Was I ever this immature? Finding proper discipline is proving harder than I anticipated.
So designing lesson plans is also a new hurdle for me. Thinking up new activities each day to go with the new material is exhausting. Especially when supplies are so limited. Primarily, my responsibility to these students is to speak only English with them in class. This too is proving to be a challenge. They're comprehension with English is little to none especially the younger students. When they give me the blank looks asking me what I'm talking about, I'm so tempted to speak in Spanish with them. And to be truthful, I sometimes want to so I can practice with them. I know I need more of it.
My fellow teachers are some of the greatest people I will ever know. They are friendly and full of smiles. They offer help whenever needed. The director of the school, also the Rector of the Cathedral, is an incredible man. He's a little hard to understand but a great man none the less. Just looking at him you can tell how much he cares about the students and the work of the school.
Things with my host family are continuing to go well. I have really become integrated into the family and we are getting along great. I travel with the family when my schedule permits, visiting their family and some of their work they do in other communities. My diet continues to be filled with carbs and I don't remember what meat tastes like. I need to get a burger here soon and pronto!! My brothers and I hang out and through them I am making more friends. Soon I'll be able to make some of my own. On Friday's I usually travel with my two brothers to hear the eldest play with his band at a local scene here. That's one place where I meet a lot of people.
My language is still coming along. With every passing day I'm becoming less gringo although I'm still highly looking forward to that day when it all becomes clear and I will be more fluid and understanding in my communication with the people, my family, and friends. I'm a little impatient in this department as sometimes I get so frustrated with myself for not being able to better understand and communicate but this is the time when I turn to prayer and I reflect asking for God's help with patience.
Well, this is everything that has happened since my last blog post and now you're all caught up. I'm finishing the last details of my first detailed newsletter to go out to all my friends, family, home diocese and supporting congregations of my work. Below are some more pictures. God bless everyone and thanks for your support and prayers. Keep in touch. Until next time, God's peace and Blessings be with you.

Grounds of the Centro Educativo Episcopal School

A View of one of the Classrooms

Me with my fellow Teachers

Some Students at Play

Students in Class
To begin, I celebrated my 23rd birthday on Friday, September 10th. This was my first birthday outside the United States and my first where it was not celebrated with my family and friends. Birthdays in my family have always been spent with family or with friends. However, I had a great birthday. My new friends here took me out for a wonderful birthday. After work, we went to Centro Quito and had fresh fish and chips for lunch at an open air market. Afterwards, we toured the city, grabbed some beverages at various locations, had dinner at a fairly upscale restaurant, and finished the night with dancing early into the morning. I returned home around two in the morning eager for bed. I had three parties that day. My fellow teachers at the school threw me a party during lunch break, my family awoke me Friday morning in song with a cake (which we ate for breakfast), and at dinner, where my fellow teachers, friends, and I had dinner with cake to follow. What a great day!
School has begun here in Ecuador which means work has begun. School has only been in session for a week (school here begins on our Labor Day). My job is incredible and the students are amazing. I have to admit though, I don't know exactly what I'm doing! It makes me a little nervous but oh well. With time I'm positive I will find my groove and become very comfortable with what I am doing.
Day one was my first challenge. Here all public and private schools begin with a presentation of the students and teachers for the parents. It is a time when the staff are introduced to the parents and the students are presented to their teachers. In attendance was the board of directors of the school which included the Bishop of the Diocese of Central Ecuador. So began my first task. The Bishop, without warning from the Director of the School, the Rev. Eduardo, or my fellow professors, asked me to come forward and present myself as to who I am and what I will be doing this year. Mind you I have only been here five weeks and to make a presentation without warning completely in Spanish, was nerve wracking to say the least. However I made it through. I was rather impressed with myself as was the Bishop and my fellow professors. With the exception of a few mistakes like the wrong use of person in verb translation, I was actually understood. They confided in me that this was my hazing into my new job. Glad to know I am now official. It was a lot of fun.
Anyways, the students are a handful. They were able to smell my fear and those that have been with the school for more than a year knew that I was the new missionary English teacher. They played the usual fresh meat games and it took me a little while to catch on. (By the way, to my old teachers and parents reading this, I'm so sorry for the games we played with you and ran up your patience. I now know how you feel.) Part of the games the students played was not even giving me their real names. I finally caught on when one student made the mistake of introducing himself as Michael Jackson, the next wasn't even more original introducing herself as Angelina Jolie. I had to get a list of all the names of the students for each class. Was I ever this immature? Finding proper discipline is proving harder than I anticipated.
So designing lesson plans is also a new hurdle for me. Thinking up new activities each day to go with the new material is exhausting. Especially when supplies are so limited. Primarily, my responsibility to these students is to speak only English with them in class. This too is proving to be a challenge. They're comprehension with English is little to none especially the younger students. When they give me the blank looks asking me what I'm talking about, I'm so tempted to speak in Spanish with them. And to be truthful, I sometimes want to so I can practice with them. I know I need more of it.
My fellow teachers are some of the greatest people I will ever know. They are friendly and full of smiles. They offer help whenever needed. The director of the school, also the Rector of the Cathedral, is an incredible man. He's a little hard to understand but a great man none the less. Just looking at him you can tell how much he cares about the students and the work of the school.
Things with my host family are continuing to go well. I have really become integrated into the family and we are getting along great. I travel with the family when my schedule permits, visiting their family and some of their work they do in other communities. My diet continues to be filled with carbs and I don't remember what meat tastes like. I need to get a burger here soon and pronto!! My brothers and I hang out and through them I am making more friends. Soon I'll be able to make some of my own. On Friday's I usually travel with my two brothers to hear the eldest play with his band at a local scene here. That's one place where I meet a lot of people.
My language is still coming along. With every passing day I'm becoming less gringo although I'm still highly looking forward to that day when it all becomes clear and I will be more fluid and understanding in my communication with the people, my family, and friends. I'm a little impatient in this department as sometimes I get so frustrated with myself for not being able to better understand and communicate but this is the time when I turn to prayer and I reflect asking for God's help with patience.
Well, this is everything that has happened since my last blog post and now you're all caught up. I'm finishing the last details of my first detailed newsletter to go out to all my friends, family, home diocese and supporting congregations of my work. Below are some more pictures. God bless everyone and thanks for your support and prayers. Keep in touch. Until next time, God's peace and Blessings be with you.
Grounds of the Centro Educativo Episcopal School
A View of one of the Classrooms
Me with my fellow Teachers
Some Students at Play
Students in Class
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Work or Mini Vacation?
So here I am again. This time, four weeks in Ecuador. The time is going by so fast for me. At this rate, I'll be home in a blink of an eye. But I do not wish for it to move so fast. With time moving fast, work and much of what needs to be finished soon will soon be upon me.
What do I mean by the title of this blog? Well for starters, I really haven't done much work. School orientation for the teachers has begun and we are working hard to clean the school, arrange classes, write out lesson plans, revise rules for the students, etc. but I have not begun teaching. Schools everywhere in Ecuador begin September 6th in two weeks; including the universities.
A few weeks ago, you read that I had been doing work at a church in a neighborhood in Quito but was only for a weekend with a visiting missionary group from the United States. Well that following weekend, I traveled with that missionary group to a community by the name of Otovalo where we spent some time seeing the native people of Qichwa origin. Here at this community, is one of the largest Artisan craft fairs in all of Latin America. The native Qichwa people come from all over Ecudor and sell their hand made crafts of silver jewelry, llama and alpaca clothing and blankets, etc. It was beautiful. It's history goes back centuries and it was incredible to see. We were welcomed and did some work at a church there in the community however, it felt more like a small vacation. The missionary group and I, I felt, did more sightseeing and shopping at the market than we did work. We even stayed in a hotel with beautiful accomodations. It probably would have been considered four stars in the United States.
Upon my return, I met with the bishop. He asked how my 'short vacation' was. I expressed my concerns with how I am here to work. He assured me that it was necessary for me to have a little respite because when work begins, I will be incredibly busy I will wish I have a vacation coming. The bishop handed me a tentative schedule of the year and all the traveling to various parts of the country I will be doing. I can't wait! My first trip is next month to Pullo (Puyo), a community in the Amazons or near the amazons of native Ecuadorians. Much more to follow. The meeting with the bishop made me feel better.
I have also been continuing my classes of Spanish everyday M-F four hours a day. I have had two oral exams thus far and have scored a 95% on each exam. So apparently I'm learning the language, but it sure doesn't feel like it. When I talk with my fellow professors, I feel like I don't know what they are saying they are talking so fast. I pick up every second or third word despite my asking them to speak more slowly. My trouble with the language thus far is hearing where one word ends and the next begins. The way the Ecuadorian people speak here sounds like one long word; to me it seems like they don't enunciate. My tutor assures me I'm doing incredibly well and that with time it will come more easily and naturally. I guess I'm just a little impatient and worried I won't ever get it. But in reality, I really have seen an improvement in my language skills. I can now give directions to a taxi driver without looking like a gringo. Now I have a greater chance of not being taken advantage of with the price of a taxi.
My fellow professors are amazing. For the most part, we're all young. I'm not even the youngest teacher. Of the nine of us, six of us are under thirty and I'm the third youngest youngest professor. The three younger than me are 22 years old, a year younger than me. But they are well learned and love working at the school. Together, with the Rector/Director of the Cathedral School, we are preparing for classes to begin on the sixth of September. I working hard to design lesson plans and exercises for the students. I'm a little worried that my lack of experience teaching will affect my work. However, I do have textbooks to teach out of as well, but I need to add my own style as well.
Well, like I said, until school starts, there isn't much to report. Hence the briefness and lack of new information in this blog. I look forward to writing more when there is more to report on. Until then, God's peace my friends.
A View of a Portion of the City of Quito
Some Wild Llamas
More Quito
The volcano of Cuyambe where at the base sits the community of Otavalo.
Some Countryside of Ecuador
What do I mean by the title of this blog? Well for starters, I really haven't done much work. School orientation for the teachers has begun and we are working hard to clean the school, arrange classes, write out lesson plans, revise rules for the students, etc. but I have not begun teaching. Schools everywhere in Ecuador begin September 6th in two weeks; including the universities.
A few weeks ago, you read that I had been doing work at a church in a neighborhood in Quito but was only for a weekend with a visiting missionary group from the United States. Well that following weekend, I traveled with that missionary group to a community by the name of Otovalo where we spent some time seeing the native people of Qichwa origin. Here at this community, is one of the largest Artisan craft fairs in all of Latin America. The native Qichwa people come from all over Ecudor and sell their hand made crafts of silver jewelry, llama and alpaca clothing and blankets, etc. It was beautiful. It's history goes back centuries and it was incredible to see. We were welcomed and did some work at a church there in the community however, it felt more like a small vacation. The missionary group and I, I felt, did more sightseeing and shopping at the market than we did work. We even stayed in a hotel with beautiful accomodations. It probably would have been considered four stars in the United States.
Upon my return, I met with the bishop. He asked how my 'short vacation' was. I expressed my concerns with how I am here to work. He assured me that it was necessary for me to have a little respite because when work begins, I will be incredibly busy I will wish I have a vacation coming. The bishop handed me a tentative schedule of the year and all the traveling to various parts of the country I will be doing. I can't wait! My first trip is next month to Pullo (Puyo), a community in the Amazons or near the amazons of native Ecuadorians. Much more to follow. The meeting with the bishop made me feel better.
I have also been continuing my classes of Spanish everyday M-F four hours a day. I have had two oral exams thus far and have scored a 95% on each exam. So apparently I'm learning the language, but it sure doesn't feel like it. When I talk with my fellow professors, I feel like I don't know what they are saying they are talking so fast. I pick up every second or third word despite my asking them to speak more slowly. My trouble with the language thus far is hearing where one word ends and the next begins. The way the Ecuadorian people speak here sounds like one long word; to me it seems like they don't enunciate. My tutor assures me I'm doing incredibly well and that with time it will come more easily and naturally. I guess I'm just a little impatient and worried I won't ever get it. But in reality, I really have seen an improvement in my language skills. I can now give directions to a taxi driver without looking like a gringo. Now I have a greater chance of not being taken advantage of with the price of a taxi.
My fellow professors are amazing. For the most part, we're all young. I'm not even the youngest teacher. Of the nine of us, six of us are under thirty and I'm the third youngest youngest professor. The three younger than me are 22 years old, a year younger than me. But they are well learned and love working at the school. Together, with the Rector/Director of the Cathedral School, we are preparing for classes to begin on the sixth of September. I working hard to design lesson plans and exercises for the students. I'm a little worried that my lack of experience teaching will affect my work. However, I do have textbooks to teach out of as well, but I need to add my own style as well.
Well, like I said, until school starts, there isn't much to report. Hence the briefness and lack of new information in this blog. I look forward to writing more when there is more to report on. Until then, God's peace my friends.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
My First Week
So here I am. One week in Ecuador! It went by fast. Life in Ecuador is very different from life in California. The sun is unpredictable; the weather can be freezing one minute and hot the next. (Mind you my idea of freezing is less than sixty degrees) In Ecuador, the temperatures are rarely seen below 55. But I’m unhappy below 70. Thank goodness I brought layers and warm clothing. I was hesitant at first thinking how close to the Equator I was going to be but then realized how high up in the Andes I really am. Quto sits 10,000 feet above sea level. The air is really thin here. I get winded over the simplest things like walking up stairs or making my bed. I’m still acclimating.
The people of Ecuador are very friendly. You can pass by and give a greeting and they will smile and greet you back. They are also, for the most part, short. I feel like a giant walking among them. I am by far the tallest person I’ve seen in a while. And that’s saying a lot.
I’ve moved in with my host family. The Sarango’s; Carlos, the father, Cati, the mother, and their three children, Jimmy who is 22; Erick, who is 18; and Genesis, who is 10. They don’t speak English at all which is both good and bad for me. It’s good because it will help me learn Spanish that much more quickly; it’s bad because we communicate by hand signals. They are amazing people though. They’ve welcomed me into their home graciously offering me whatever I need. I hope to be a part of the family one day. They expressed it is their greatest wish that I feel like a member of the family. I share a room with Erick. He’s great for a roommate. We are becoming fast friends. So are Jimmy and I, and Genesis, well she’s trouble. But she already sees me as a brother. She’ll come in and sit and talk with me for hours. She’s very curious and a ball of fun. She’s always smiling and cheerful. She’s trouble because she corrects my homework over my shoulder and makes my tutor for Spanish assign me more homework if she feels what’s been assigned for the day isn’t enough. I say good for her, bad for me. She’ll break a lot of hearts one day.
We eat all of our meals together. The family and I eat traditional Ecuadorian food. Food in Ecuador consists of lots of rice, potatoes, and meat. The staple of the Ecuadorian diet. Breakfast is always light; usually just bread and a boiled egg. Lunch is the biggest and most important meal. It’s big. It starts with soup, (usually potato or corn), then the main course which is rice (very important, served with every lunch and dinner), and meat, and maybe side vegetables, and bread. Lunch is most important because the Ecuadorian people believe it’s unhealthy to eat so much before bed, which is true. U.S. Americans can learn a thing or two by this. Juice is the common drink in Ecuador. The people here make juice out of everything. All kinds of fruits are used for making juice; Banana juice, watermelon juice, papaya juice, cantaloupe juice, etc. Juice is served with every meal. At dinner, the meal is light, just rice and meat.
I’m waiting for orientation to begin next week. That’s when my work will really begin. Remember, my job down here is threefold. I will be teaching full time as an English teacher at the Episcopal School, twice a week I will teach English to the diocesan staff, and lastly I will be working as lay support at a local church. I had my first taste of mission work this past weekend. A mission group from Massachusetts is here for the week and they, along with Chris, my regional boss, invited me along to work with them. We worked at Chris’ church in a very poor and rough part of town called Comitero Pueblo. The women helped prepare all the food for the following day’s bbq as a fundraiser for the church. The men built tables for the bbq, then afterwards, we cut out wall to lay electricity in the building. While cutting wall, I accidentally smashed my finger with the hammer and cut a knuckle with the chisel. I had to use electrical tape for a band-aid until I got home to properly clean and dress the wound. The church is very small and meets on the first floor of a two story building. The offices are upstairs. The building is tiny and falling apart. With work, it will be good as new. The mission group from Massachusetts will be working at the church all week. This upcoming weekend, we will be traveling to Otrovalo for some work to be done. Otrovalo is two hours north of here and is a small indigenous community. I’m not really sure of the work we’ll be doing but Chris has relations with this community. I’m only with the group on the two weekends they are here. I’m in school during the week and cannot be with the group. It’s good, because I have my own work to do and even more to prepare for, and I especially need to continue with learning Spanish. At the moment, it’s my number one priority. The group will be leaving to go back to the U.S. on Monday.
Well my friends, I think that’s it for now. This was my first week. I will have more to come. Count on it. My next post will probably come next week sometime when I return from Otrovalo. Until then mis amigos, may the grace and peace of God be with you. Blessings.
The people of Ecuador are very friendly. You can pass by and give a greeting and they will smile and greet you back. They are also, for the most part, short. I feel like a giant walking among them. I am by far the tallest person I’ve seen in a while. And that’s saying a lot.
I’ve moved in with my host family. The Sarango’s; Carlos, the father, Cati, the mother, and their three children, Jimmy who is 22; Erick, who is 18; and Genesis, who is 10. They don’t speak English at all which is both good and bad for me. It’s good because it will help me learn Spanish that much more quickly; it’s bad because we communicate by hand signals. They are amazing people though. They’ve welcomed me into their home graciously offering me whatever I need. I hope to be a part of the family one day. They expressed it is their greatest wish that I feel like a member of the family. I share a room with Erick. He’s great for a roommate. We are becoming fast friends. So are Jimmy and I, and Genesis, well she’s trouble. But she already sees me as a brother. She’ll come in and sit and talk with me for hours. She’s very curious and a ball of fun. She’s always smiling and cheerful. She’s trouble because she corrects my homework over my shoulder and makes my tutor for Spanish assign me more homework if she feels what’s been assigned for the day isn’t enough. I say good for her, bad for me. She’ll break a lot of hearts one day.
We eat all of our meals together. The family and I eat traditional Ecuadorian food. Food in Ecuador consists of lots of rice, potatoes, and meat. The staple of the Ecuadorian diet. Breakfast is always light; usually just bread and a boiled egg. Lunch is the biggest and most important meal. It’s big. It starts with soup, (usually potato or corn), then the main course which is rice (very important, served with every lunch and dinner), and meat, and maybe side vegetables, and bread. Lunch is most important because the Ecuadorian people believe it’s unhealthy to eat so much before bed, which is true. U.S. Americans can learn a thing or two by this. Juice is the common drink in Ecuador. The people here make juice out of everything. All kinds of fruits are used for making juice; Banana juice, watermelon juice, papaya juice, cantaloupe juice, etc. Juice is served with every meal. At dinner, the meal is light, just rice and meat.
I’m waiting for orientation to begin next week. That’s when my work will really begin. Remember, my job down here is threefold. I will be teaching full time as an English teacher at the Episcopal School, twice a week I will teach English to the diocesan staff, and lastly I will be working as lay support at a local church. I had my first taste of mission work this past weekend. A mission group from Massachusetts is here for the week and they, along with Chris, my regional boss, invited me along to work with them. We worked at Chris’ church in a very poor and rough part of town called Comitero Pueblo. The women helped prepare all the food for the following day’s bbq as a fundraiser for the church. The men built tables for the bbq, then afterwards, we cut out wall to lay electricity in the building. While cutting wall, I accidentally smashed my finger with the hammer and cut a knuckle with the chisel. I had to use electrical tape for a band-aid until I got home to properly clean and dress the wound. The church is very small and meets on the first floor of a two story building. The offices are upstairs. The building is tiny and falling apart. With work, it will be good as new. The mission group from Massachusetts will be working at the church all week. This upcoming weekend, we will be traveling to Otrovalo for some work to be done. Otrovalo is two hours north of here and is a small indigenous community. I’m not really sure of the work we’ll be doing but Chris has relations with this community. I’m only with the group on the two weekends they are here. I’m in school during the week and cannot be with the group. It’s good, because I have my own work to do and even more to prepare for, and I especially need to continue with learning Spanish. At the moment, it’s my number one priority. The group will be leaving to go back to the U.S. on Monday.
Well my friends, I think that’s it for now. This was my first week. I will have more to come. Count on it. My next post will probably come next week sometime when I return from Otrovalo. Until then mis amigos, may the grace and peace of God be with you. Blessings.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Arrival and Beginning Work
You know, I remember when I was a kid, I was excited to go on my first plane ride to anywhere. I remember thinking how cool it would be to fly among the clouds and see the world from an aerial advantage. Let's just say this; I did not feel the same way about traveling to Ecuador. After having now flown many, many times, I forgot how exhausting it is to fly. The most exciting thing about flying now is takeoff when the jet engines take off and your thrust against your seat at takeoff. I guess unexpected turbulence can be somewhat entertaining if you imagine you're on a roller coaster. Also, people don't talk to each other anymore. I have found we are a very keep to ourselves society. My flight from Sacramento to Houston consisted of no conversation. People just read or ate or did whatever occupied their attention. Anything to avoid having a conversation with your neighbor...heaven forbid. I was a little more understanding with the flight from Houston to Ecuador as that had less people who spoke english and I just figured it was more of a cultural thing. Whatever happened to courtesy food on flights and an in flight movie to help pass the time? I accumulated in one day close to sixty dollars in service fees. To watch a movie on the plane, it cost me seven dollars. For each plane trip! Also, good thing I ate before each flight because they don't serve complimentary snacks anymore. Just beverages. Ridiculous! Anyways, on to more great news.
I arrived in Quito! Coming in at night was absolutely beautiful and I can't believe how big it was! It was lights as far as the eye can see. Because Quito sits in a basin ten thousand feet above sea level in the Andes, the city is three miles wide and twenty seven miles long. From what I've seen thus far (which is the airport and the view from my room) the city looks very enticing. I can't wait to adjust to the thin air and go out exploring. Chris Morck, a local permanent Episcopal appointed missionary, said we'll do some hiking and exploring throughout the year.
I'm currently living with Chris, his wife Trish, and their two lovely daughters Isabel and Clare. They were very kind to put me up for the week until my host family returns this weekend and I move in with them. Trish works with a program assisting refugees from Colombia. Chris, who will be ordained as a priest in October, works with various programs throughout the diocese as well as being assigned to a local church here in Quito. The Morcks are from the diocese of Massachusetts and Chris has just transfered his canonical residence to the Diocese of Central Ecuador. He will be ordained in the Episcopal Cathedral here in Quito!
I got in last night at eleven o'clock but with the time it took to get through immigration and customs, we didn't end up getting back to Chris and Trish's until one thirty this morning. Now for the interesting news. Chris had arranged for me to begin my language training immediately so my tutor was here first thing this morning at eight thirty. I can tell you right now that I am exhausted. I have a terrible time sleeping on planes and with my traveling to places these past few days, I am going on very little sleep. I'm looking to going to bed early tonight.
My tutor seems incredible though. Her name is Rosa and she's from the Galapagos Language School. It seems her way of teaching is in three hour blocks, five days a week. We spend the first hour doing grammar and vocab and in the last two hours we conversed and she made me use Spanish! I just got here so you can imagine how ridiculous I sounded. Being immersed in the culture and language though, and with her training all in Spanish, I have no doubts that I will be speaking Spanish in no time.
I don't begin teaching for another couple weeks. School here in Ecuador starts in September. However, this does not mean that I am on vacation. I still have my work with the diocese to begin and this Sunday I will learn of the work I will be doing at the Cathedral. Orientation for new teachers at the school also begins in a couple weeks so I will be very busy very soon.
Well that's about it for this blog. I just arrived so I don't have much to say yet. But very soon I will have another post up and also as soon as I go out and see some of the city, I will have pictures posted as well. Until then, take care my friends. God bless.
I arrived in Quito! Coming in at night was absolutely beautiful and I can't believe how big it was! It was lights as far as the eye can see. Because Quito sits in a basin ten thousand feet above sea level in the Andes, the city is three miles wide and twenty seven miles long. From what I've seen thus far (which is the airport and the view from my room) the city looks very enticing. I can't wait to adjust to the thin air and go out exploring. Chris Morck, a local permanent Episcopal appointed missionary, said we'll do some hiking and exploring throughout the year.
I'm currently living with Chris, his wife Trish, and their two lovely daughters Isabel and Clare. They were very kind to put me up for the week until my host family returns this weekend and I move in with them. Trish works with a program assisting refugees from Colombia. Chris, who will be ordained as a priest in October, works with various programs throughout the diocese as well as being assigned to a local church here in Quito. The Morcks are from the diocese of Massachusetts and Chris has just transfered his canonical residence to the Diocese of Central Ecuador. He will be ordained in the Episcopal Cathedral here in Quito!
I got in last night at eleven o'clock but with the time it took to get through immigration and customs, we didn't end up getting back to Chris and Trish's until one thirty this morning. Now for the interesting news. Chris had arranged for me to begin my language training immediately so my tutor was here first thing this morning at eight thirty. I can tell you right now that I am exhausted. I have a terrible time sleeping on planes and with my traveling to places these past few days, I am going on very little sleep. I'm looking to going to bed early tonight.
My tutor seems incredible though. Her name is Rosa and she's from the Galapagos Language School. It seems her way of teaching is in three hour blocks, five days a week. We spend the first hour doing grammar and vocab and in the last two hours we conversed and she made me use Spanish! I just got here so you can imagine how ridiculous I sounded. Being immersed in the culture and language though, and with her training all in Spanish, I have no doubts that I will be speaking Spanish in no time.
I don't begin teaching for another couple weeks. School here in Ecuador starts in September. However, this does not mean that I am on vacation. I still have my work with the diocese to begin and this Sunday I will learn of the work I will be doing at the Cathedral. Orientation for new teachers at the school also begins in a couple weeks so I will be very busy very soon.
Well that's about it for this blog. I just arrived so I don't have much to say yet. But very soon I will have another post up and also as soon as I go out and see some of the city, I will have pictures posted as well. Until then, take care my friends. God bless.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Chicago Orientation...New Friends, Great Stories
Hey Everyone. Chicago was fantastic. Turns out I wasn't just working with Young Adults only but also not just with Lutherans either. The Chicago Ecumenical Missionary Training brought young and older missionaries from the P.C.U.S.A.(Presbyterian Church of the USA), the R.C.A(Reformed Church of America), the E.L.C.A.(Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) and lonely old me from the Episcopal Church. During this training I met both young and old missionaries serving from one year up to three year committments. There are a couple of families among these missionaries who will be starting a new life with their children. I think that is amazing but I can't help but think about how the children feel about spending three years or more of their life in another country. Some of the kids I talked to have already spent some time with their parents as a missionary family in other parts of the world. God truly indeed does call all people in whatever walks of faith to serve his people among the earth.
The orientation in Chicago consisted of training on a variety of topics. Topics included were interfaith experiences, living in and understanding new culture, bible study, and of course security training over all the scary things we hear about on the news (this was my favorite topic of discussion). Security training included being trained by a retired lead secret service agent to President Reagan and to President Carter. (I think we had more fun listening to the stories he had to tell about them than the scary parts of the training.)
My boss David Copley also came for a day and we discussed the specifics of my upcoming departure and work in Ecuador. We also talked about what my fellow YASCers did at training in Toronto and he brought me a daily prayer book for us to read while abroad. The book, entitled Praying Our Days is written by former Presiding Bishop Frank Griswald. I though it was a great gift cosidering that apart from the work I will be doing while on mission, I will also use the year in reflection and prayer contemplating God's will for me in this life. Whether it be graduate school, law school, or seminary, after my work in Ecuador, I know the time in prayer with God will help lead my decisions through life.
It wasn't all classtime though in Chicago. When we weren't in class, we were out and about the city of Chicago. We had the weekends off so we took advantage of them. Whilst in Chicago, I took advantage of swimming in the Great Lake Michigan; watched the world cup from a pub downtown, went to the Lincoln Park Zoo, Oh! and accidentally wandered onto the set of Michael Bay's Transformers 3 and was politely escorted out. We even watched Michael Bay blow up a bridge downtown Chicago. The time in Chicago was incredible and I met some great new people. I reflected on what is to come and spent some time talking to people about where we stand in our lives and our journeys in our faith. The time spent was informative and fun. I met great people and had a great time in Chicago. We closed the two weeks with worship, and had a blessing and send off ceremony followed with a celebration party of karaoke and talent show. All in all, it was a great time. My next post will come to you from Ecuador as I arrive on the 2nd of August. It's only a short time away and then I will be writing to you from my new home and the new work I will be doing. Until then, may God's blessings be with you always and I ask you continue to keep me in your prayers. May the peace of Christ be with you.
The orientation in Chicago consisted of training on a variety of topics. Topics included were interfaith experiences, living in and understanding new culture, bible study, and of course security training over all the scary things we hear about on the news (this was my favorite topic of discussion). Security training included being trained by a retired lead secret service agent to President Reagan and to President Carter. (I think we had more fun listening to the stories he had to tell about them than the scary parts of the training.)
My boss David Copley also came for a day and we discussed the specifics of my upcoming departure and work in Ecuador. We also talked about what my fellow YASCers did at training in Toronto and he brought me a daily prayer book for us to read while abroad. The book, entitled Praying Our Days is written by former Presiding Bishop Frank Griswald. I though it was a great gift cosidering that apart from the work I will be doing while on mission, I will also use the year in reflection and prayer contemplating God's will for me in this life. Whether it be graduate school, law school, or seminary, after my work in Ecuador, I know the time in prayer with God will help lead my decisions through life.
It wasn't all classtime though in Chicago. When we weren't in class, we were out and about the city of Chicago. We had the weekends off so we took advantage of them. Whilst in Chicago, I took advantage of swimming in the Great Lake Michigan; watched the world cup from a pub downtown, went to the Lincoln Park Zoo, Oh! and accidentally wandered onto the set of Michael Bay's Transformers 3 and was politely escorted out. We even watched Michael Bay blow up a bridge downtown Chicago. The time in Chicago was incredible and I met some great new people. I reflected on what is to come and spent some time talking to people about where we stand in our lives and our journeys in our faith. The time spent was informative and fun. I met great people and had a great time in Chicago. We closed the two weeks with worship, and had a blessing and send off ceremony followed with a celebration party of karaoke and talent show. All in all, it was a great time. My next post will come to you from Ecuador as I arrive on the 2nd of August. It's only a short time away and then I will be writing to you from my new home and the new work I will be doing. Until then, may God's blessings be with you always and I ask you continue to keep me in your prayers. May the peace of Christ be with you.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Finally... At Long Last
At one o'clock in the afternoon on Sunday June 13, 2010, nearly 1,000 undergaduates from the college of letters and science representing numerous disciplines, friends gathered in the UCSB thunderdome, home of the Gauchos!! The scene was intense and loud and stuffy as we all gathered to process to commencement field. What a surreal day. That afternoon, I turned my tassel and joined the many alumni of the University of California at Santa Barbara. I celebrated the day with all my family and great friends! I could not have asked for more! After much hard work, (and a little messing around on my part), I parted ways with the university and graduated with a degree in Classical history and an emphasis in Greek and Roman Culture.
My past four years of college life has trained me to become an academic, a critical thinker, and has supposedly prepared me for a career. What does one do with a degree in the humanities? Especially a degree that says I am qualified to read and translate two dead languages. Go figure. I joke that I will become a Catholic priest for after all Catholic mass is still done in Latin in some places. But alas, that will never be for my faith has never been stronger nor better placed than with the Episcopal Church. Now, upon finishing a college degree, I will be taking that next step of my life. I will be going on mission to the Diocese of Central Ecuador for a minimum of one year as all you readers already know because that is the intent afterall of this blog: to follow my adventure along on mission.
How's fundraising going you ask? Still a weighty task and a long ways to go but its looking more encouraging. I have reached forty percent of my goal and its growing each day! My own diocese cannot be more encouraging. Being from a very small diocese financially, we are mighty in our faith and can not be more proud to send a representative to the global Anglican Communion.
Next week, Thursday July 8th, to be more precise, I begin my two week missionary orientation in Chicago before leaving for Ecuador. Although I will not be with my fellow Episcopal missionaries (they were trained earlier in May while I was still in school), I know they will have prayers for me and they will be there in spirit. In fact, one missionary, Travis, is leaving for his placement in South Africa the day after I arrive in Chicago! He's the first of us to leave! How exciting! Good luck Travis! Keep in touch and my prayers are with you!
My training will be conducted with missionaries from the Lutheran Church. Our churches have shared a friendship spiritually for quite some time now. I will however have a day or two of training with my boss from the National Church's office, the Reverend David Copley. I am looking forward to the next great adventure and it begins in Chicago. Keep reading and I will have more to come and a new post whilst I am in Chicago. Until then, take care and God's peace and blessings be with you!
My past four years of college life has trained me to become an academic, a critical thinker, and has supposedly prepared me for a career. What does one do with a degree in the humanities? Especially a degree that says I am qualified to read and translate two dead languages. Go figure. I joke that I will become a Catholic priest for after all Catholic mass is still done in Latin in some places. But alas, that will never be for my faith has never been stronger nor better placed than with the Episcopal Church. Now, upon finishing a college degree, I will be taking that next step of my life. I will be going on mission to the Diocese of Central Ecuador for a minimum of one year as all you readers already know because that is the intent afterall of this blog: to follow my adventure along on mission.
How's fundraising going you ask? Still a weighty task and a long ways to go but its looking more encouraging. I have reached forty percent of my goal and its growing each day! My own diocese cannot be more encouraging. Being from a very small diocese financially, we are mighty in our faith and can not be more proud to send a representative to the global Anglican Communion.
Next week, Thursday July 8th, to be more precise, I begin my two week missionary orientation in Chicago before leaving for Ecuador. Although I will not be with my fellow Episcopal missionaries (they were trained earlier in May while I was still in school), I know they will have prayers for me and they will be there in spirit. In fact, one missionary, Travis, is leaving for his placement in South Africa the day after I arrive in Chicago! He's the first of us to leave! How exciting! Good luck Travis! Keep in touch and my prayers are with you!
My training will be conducted with missionaries from the Lutheran Church. Our churches have shared a friendship spiritually for quite some time now. I will however have a day or two of training with my boss from the National Church's office, the Reverend David Copley. I am looking forward to the next great adventure and it begins in Chicago. Keep reading and I will have more to come and a new post whilst I am in Chicago. Until then, take care and God's peace and blessings be with you!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Hey Everyone!
It's incredible how fast time truly flies. The title to this post are three numbers that I will now explain:
When I began writing this blog, it was one o clock on the dot. The number four represents the four weeks exactly to the hour when I will be wearing that black gown and cap, stole, and 2010 tassel, walking down that aisle to receive that blank piece of paper that represents my work these past four years at a university. Because the University has to review all candidates for a degree, I won't even be seeing my actual diploma until six months down the road. What's even more interesting, is I won't even be the first to see it. I'll be south of the equator doing God knows what in the new adventure I will be undertaking. My parents will be the first to see my diploma and to be quite honest, I wouldn't want it any other way. After all, it was because of them that I did it and made it through. Because of their generosity, love, and dedication, I was able to receive a college education. I am so grateful and indebted to my parents for their hard work in raising me and giving me the opportunity to go to school. My diploma they said, is my way of saying thank you to them. Mom and Dad, thank you for all your hard work and guidance for getting me through! I am forever endebted to you and I love you very much! Thank you for this opportunity; now what am I supposed to do with a degree in Classical History? (Any ideas?)
It is hard to imagine saying goodbye to a community that has become my home for the past couple years. I have met such wonderful people and have come to love the beauty of Santa Barbara and its rich history and people. I created a 'bucket list' of sorts at the beginning of the year on things that I still needed to see and do before leaving Santa Barbara. I still have a few on the list to accomplish. I welcome any and all new ideas as well as invite my fellow graduating friends as company who would like to join me on making our last few weeks here in SB the best!
The number four also represents the percentage toward my financial goal that I need to meet before leaving for my mission trip to Ecuador for a year. Because of these four individuals thus far, they are helping to make a reality come true! It is getting scary though on how I will make the goal of $10,000 a reality. It is simply a large number to raise, but in reality, it is not a lot of money to help sustain an annual living allowance. It's pittance and poverty. Living for a year in a developing country will be a most humbling experience. I will take on this new endeavor with humility and respect and will seek to learn about a new people and culture so different from my own and what I grew up with. I will continue my fundraising efforts with my home diocese in a few shorts weeks when I return home. I still have many meetings to attend, people to write to, and trainings galore before I leave. Please come say hi and goodbye before I leave to those of you who know me!
The number two represents the number of exams I have left in my undergraduate career as well as the final hurdles I must overcome in order to successfully complete my degree! Only two more exams, hard to believe with the countless number of exams I have taken thus far. I wonder if I will miss them? All I can say though is that when it comes to exams, I prefer written to multiple choice!
Finally, I have ONE (count 'em ONE!) paper to write (well, finish writing) this quarter before graduation day. The successful completion of these three tasks will ensure my graduation from the University of California Santa Barbara. I can remember thinking this day will never come, now I'm staring it in the face and it has come too fast. The irony of life. Something tells me though that the best is yet to come. I will always remember and cherish my time in college. The fantastic people, the great friends, raucous nights, social life, and great professors. There is nothing quite like college, but once through is enough for most people I'm sure. It's certainly how I feel. I do however have this feeling I will most likely go on to graduate school, but I'm told its another experience entirely and its further down the road if it does happen. For now, I'm content with parting ways with my undergraduate career and I am counting the days to the completion of college and to where the next exciting journey begins in South America! Continue to keep me company and I look forward to my next post!
Hasta Luego!
It's incredible how fast time truly flies. The title to this post are three numbers that I will now explain:
When I began writing this blog, it was one o clock on the dot. The number four represents the four weeks exactly to the hour when I will be wearing that black gown and cap, stole, and 2010 tassel, walking down that aisle to receive that blank piece of paper that represents my work these past four years at a university. Because the University has to review all candidates for a degree, I won't even be seeing my actual diploma until six months down the road. What's even more interesting, is I won't even be the first to see it. I'll be south of the equator doing God knows what in the new adventure I will be undertaking. My parents will be the first to see my diploma and to be quite honest, I wouldn't want it any other way. After all, it was because of them that I did it and made it through. Because of their generosity, love, and dedication, I was able to receive a college education. I am so grateful and indebted to my parents for their hard work in raising me and giving me the opportunity to go to school. My diploma they said, is my way of saying thank you to them. Mom and Dad, thank you for all your hard work and guidance for getting me through! I am forever endebted to you and I love you very much! Thank you for this opportunity; now what am I supposed to do with a degree in Classical History? (Any ideas?)
It is hard to imagine saying goodbye to a community that has become my home for the past couple years. I have met such wonderful people and have come to love the beauty of Santa Barbara and its rich history and people. I created a 'bucket list' of sorts at the beginning of the year on things that I still needed to see and do before leaving Santa Barbara. I still have a few on the list to accomplish. I welcome any and all new ideas as well as invite my fellow graduating friends as company who would like to join me on making our last few weeks here in SB the best!
The number four also represents the percentage toward my financial goal that I need to meet before leaving for my mission trip to Ecuador for a year. Because of these four individuals thus far, they are helping to make a reality come true! It is getting scary though on how I will make the goal of $10,000 a reality. It is simply a large number to raise, but in reality, it is not a lot of money to help sustain an annual living allowance. It's pittance and poverty. Living for a year in a developing country will be a most humbling experience. I will take on this new endeavor with humility and respect and will seek to learn about a new people and culture so different from my own and what I grew up with. I will continue my fundraising efforts with my home diocese in a few shorts weeks when I return home. I still have many meetings to attend, people to write to, and trainings galore before I leave. Please come say hi and goodbye before I leave to those of you who know me!
The number two represents the number of exams I have left in my undergraduate career as well as the final hurdles I must overcome in order to successfully complete my degree! Only two more exams, hard to believe with the countless number of exams I have taken thus far. I wonder if I will miss them? All I can say though is that when it comes to exams, I prefer written to multiple choice!
Finally, I have ONE (count 'em ONE!) paper to write (well, finish writing) this quarter before graduation day. The successful completion of these three tasks will ensure my graduation from the University of California Santa Barbara. I can remember thinking this day will never come, now I'm staring it in the face and it has come too fast. The irony of life. Something tells me though that the best is yet to come. I will always remember and cherish my time in college. The fantastic people, the great friends, raucous nights, social life, and great professors. There is nothing quite like college, but once through is enough for most people I'm sure. It's certainly how I feel. I do however have this feeling I will most likely go on to graduate school, but I'm told its another experience entirely and its further down the road if it does happen. For now, I'm content with parting ways with my undergraduate career and I am counting the days to the completion of college and to where the next exciting journey begins in South America! Continue to keep me company and I look forward to my next post!
Hasta Luego!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
So Close and Yet So Far...
Wow! What an exciting week. I can't explain the torrent of feelings rushing through me as I finish my last quarter as an undergraduate at the University of California Santa Barbara! And what a great start to my last quarter it was too! Not only are my classes fantastic, but I got my mission placement!! While I was sitting in my last upper division Latin class I will ever have to take again (Woohoo!), the national church in New York had called on my cell phone. I had forgotten to turn it off and so interrupted lecture, (the professor glared at me but all I could think about was what the phone call was about), and so I was forced to let it go to voicemail. AS soon as class was over I rushed to hear the message. Leaving the message was my future boss, Reverend David Copley of the mission office, calling to inform me that they will be placing me in Quito Ecuador to primarily, among other things, teach English as a second language to elementary and high school aged students at the Episcopal Catheral school in Quito! Imagine my surprise and excitement. What a way to start my last quarter back at school! Imagine, me teaching? What an adventure and I look forward to getting started. It's exciting and nerve wracking all at once to be finishing up school and starting a new adventure as an Episcopal missionary in Quito, Ecuador. Granted, its still a little ways off, I can't help but be excited for what the future holds in store for me. However, with this comes the reality of the whole thing. I now face the challenge of my end of the agreement and help the Episcopal Church financially support me while I am abroad. I am now charged with the difficult task of raising $10,000 to help offset the cost of the program. By means of doing this, we (the missionaries), are to look to our local churches and dioceses for help and invite to take part in this global ministry with Anglican dioceses across the globe. It will be a difficult task, but God would not have lead me here if it was not a task that was doable! Wish me luck as I start this endeavor and keep tuned in for more posts to come!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Beginnings of Missionary Call and Discernment Weekend in Jacksonville, FL
Discernment Weekend, Jacksonvile, Florida – February 04–09, 2010
The young adult service corps is an Episcopal service mission that focuses on sending young adults ages 21 to 30 around the globe to work in partnership with the Protestant Anglican Church in various provinces and dioceses. Mission work, as I have learned this weekend, means the ability to be flexible and work may include but not limited to: ministry, teaching, tutoring, working with young adults and children, working with disaster victims, assisting refugees, and much, much more. This weekend allowed me the opportunity to meet with and talk with twelve other passionate young adults who feel compelled and called by God to serve selflessly in impoverished, needy nations offering up their gifts and talents to love and serve others in a time of great need. Mission also allows the Anglican Church to work in partnership and collaboration and let the smaller, in need of help dioceses, that they are cared for and make them feel apart of the bigger picture that is the Anglican Church. Joining us this weekend was not only the staff of the Mission Personnel Office of the National Episcopal Church in New York City, which includes: Michelle Jobson, David Copley, and Douglas Fenton, but also two YASC alumna from the program named Cortney Dale and Mary (Last Name Needed) who both served on mission in Africa. Mary was placed in Liberia where she put her gifts of being a registered nurse to use and worked with health care officials. Cortney lived in Grahmstown working with children in an after school program tutoring, and also served as an American representative to a convent of Anglican brothers in Grahmstown. It was incredible to be able to get a full unbiased view from two alumna members of YASC to be with us and provide insight as we prayed, listened, and contemplated God’s calling for all of us to serve in mission. Also in attendance at the weekend was a psychologist by the name of Manny who lead discussions in small groups as we were challenged to answer the difficult questions that would most certainly affect us while abroad on mission. Such questions included our ability to handle stress, what strengths and weaknesses we possess that would help or hinder our ability to minister and serve, even questions about how to live a celibate life and cope with our need for intimacy, whether its just intimacy in regards to your relationship with friends, family, or with a sexual significant partner, while abroad. That question was difficult for me because I have many friends and an incredible family and it will be hard to not have them around all the time. We also were interviewed so that the program can better place us in regards to the gifts we have and will be put to best use. Also during the weekend, the candidates for mission lead worship every morning and evening to constantly remind ourselves the importance of our faith and to keep it strong and foremost as we serve abroad. We will receive our assignments (I’m hoping for Honduras or Columbia, or a Spanish speaking country in Central or South America) and official acceptance to the program in mid-march and will next meet with our training/orientation in June in Toronto. We will leave on our missions for one year, around August/September. I am very excited to take this journey and a little scared. I expect that to be normal and I also expect my fear to grow as it comes nearer and nearer to leaving. But I will put my faith and trust in God who is laying my path, and I will answer his call on me to serve his church abroad. I have many gifts to offer and they far outweigh my weaknesses and my fear and therefore will serve with great humility and to the best of my ability, a faith filled journey!
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